
I never understand the sentiment of firing a coach on a team that is clearly in rebuilding mode. It just feels like a PR move to keep fans placated during the rebuilding, the Bulls aren’t really any better or worse this year than we thought they’d be so to fire him now is an odd choice.

-Have kicker change name from shortened version of his given Hawaiian name to a slightly longer shortened version of it

“You know what would enhance the experience of watching a hockey game? Getting to huck shit onto the ice and get away with it.”

Definitely, regardless of the context it’s unacceptable for him to do that, but I do wonder who is telling the truth here. It’s pretty clear that the woman isn’t backing down so she could’ve mad about getting her phone taken, but he seems legitimately pissed about something so his story feels valid as well. I have a

It’s a weird thing to explain, but in scenarios like this where we know they will be OK and the injury isn’t particularly gruesome, I like to watch the videos to see teammate reactions. Like the Kevin Ware video where his teammates were sobbing on the sidelines, I have no idea why this is my reaction but I love seeing

Technically a standing dunk is any dunk where you do not have a running gather and just jump from a standstill. So the fact that he’s standing still outside of the restricted area and still manages to jump over a 7 footer for a dunk is still pretty incredible.

That’s me. I am they.

This owning of the second best player in the world will forever be his Magnus Opus.

Are we talking most crazy meltdown or the one that made me feel the best? Because both options still point to Khabib.

PER shouldn’t be affected as much though right? Efficiency has nothing to do with touches or opportunities, so getting less touches shouldn’t affect PER that much. I don’t think that Ball or Ingram are busts like Kwame or anything but it’s just fascinating how inefficient they’ve apparently been. Lonzo is a bit

Saw this on Twitter last night, and it needs to be shared with everyone. Career PER averages:

On a sadder note, what if this whole story is true and he’s actually gotten a reputation for being a horrible teammate just because people didn’t approve of his sexuality? That’d be extremely shitty.

I disagree, Baker had every opportunity to win the Texas Tech job and wasn’t good enough. Hue had every opportunity to make the correct moves in Cleveland and wasn’t able to find them. Saying that it’s different just because it’s playing vs. coaching isn’t fair, either way it comes down to decision-making or growing

Remember, Baker transferred from Texas Tech to conference rival Oklahoma in college after getting beat out for a starting job. So Baker being pissed about Hue when he’s done the same thing himself is pretty hypocritical.

Thank you for this.

Nah, Jalen has made himself look like an ass, don’t blame the team. At a certain point in a downward spiral you need to just shut your mouth and stop talking, but he’s out here calling people trash after blowing 75 yard touchdowns and getting worked. He’s making himself look ridiculous, so no sympathy from me.

Halloween is criminally underrated on this list.

Cool Manny, still waiting on the explanation for cleating the hell out of some ankles when you did hustle.

Please Tom, don’t make me choose.

You wrote out an entire state list when in reality you could’ve just written “Nothing in the Midwest matters in my opinion.”