Tim! You missed the true ending! Any reason why you didn’t cover the final scene by the river?
Tim! You missed the true ending! Any reason why you didn’t cover the final scene by the river?
Its crazy how many of these shootings happen all around the world. I guess gun restrictions really don’t make a difference. Oh wait. This doesnt happen in almost any other developed country.
Gross. Smash 4 plays 1000X better than Melee
Thanks for your opinion Jason. I wholeheartedly disagree. I’m under 10 hours in, but I’m loving everything about it, the combat, the characters, the story, everything.
Isn’t it obvious? You can play Skyrim on the toilet. You can play skyrim on a plane, on a train, in an automobile. You can continue that same game on your TV, and then keep playing it in bed. The idea of being able to play any game at all like this is very exciting, even for a game as old as Skyrim.
They didnt say “do it six times” they said “do steps 2-6 several times” So more than once.
Needs more powerpoint slides to be a real pitch. :D
...okay? Not sure why.
Keep going with it. A lot of people had the same gripes you’re having, but pretty soon it clicks and its incredible. The weapon degredation is only a problem for the first few hours, they are trying to encourage you to experiment and be creative. at a certain point you can be super pick and choosey with what weapons…
In that instance where he runs straight at you, dont forget you can hop forward with the jump button while crouched. Its a faster way of moving while crouched. I think its less stealthy, but in that situation you dont have much choice. I did this mission first try using this a lot, so I’m wondering if most people…
nearly 3 weeks now, in and out of the dock about 100 times. No scratches. My dock is even “bent” as some people have called it. I think its bushwack
Surprise! No one is perfect. Christianity was never about making us perfect. In fact, the Bible even says that we are all as bad as each other. Sinner and saint alike. No one is a perfect parent and everyone makes mistakes.
Hey, you replied to their reply to your comment. You sound nice, lets talk.
Yeah! Hardcore gamers care about what really matters! The hardware! Hardcore gamers don’t give a shit about games!
Holy crap that character looks terrifying. Something about the eyes is just not right
He looked like he thought they were trying to get rid of him :(
Yes, because every other country that just votes for a candidate and counts it all up still has slavery. Its the same stupid thinking behind “Dont take my guns away or I wont be able to defend myself!” Look at every other developed country.
What the flying fuck is the point of electoral college voting if they have no say? Why dont they just add up the points and then say thats it, you won? Better yet, why not just be like every other democratic country and just let the person who gets the most votes win, instead of somehow letting certain people have…
Awesome! I’m hyped :)
“Whites have accomplished more than any other races and thats a fact”