Dr Emilio Lizardo

Don’t be a dense millennial retard. No one is saying these movies are not good or entertaining, but they are clearly not cinematic storytelling. They are fantasy popcorn movies not based in any sort of plausible reality. The clue is any time you have your actors wave their hands or concentrate really hard and

Don’t be a dense millennial retard. No one is saying these movies are not good or entertaining, but they are clearly not cinematic storytelling. They are fantasy popcorn movies not based in any sort of plausible reality. The clue is any time you have your actors wave their hands or concentrate really hard and

Don’t be a dense millennial retard. No one is saying these movies are not good or entertaining, but they are clearly not cinematic storytelling. They are fantasy popcorn movies not based in any sort of plausible reality. The clue is any time you have your actors wave their hands or concentrate really hard and

Don’t be a dense millennial retard. No one is saying these movies are not good or entertaining, but they are clearly not cinematic storytelling. They are fantasy popcorn movies not based in any sort of plausible reality. The clue is any time you have your actors wave their hands or concentrate really hard and

Don’t be a dense millennial retard. No one is saying these movies are not good or entertaining, but they are clearly not cinematic storytelling. They are fantasy popcorn movies not based in any sort of plausible reality. The clue is any time you have your actors wave their hands or concentrate really hard and

Don’t be a dense millennial retard. No one is saying these movies are not good or entertaining, but they are clearly not cinematic storytelling. They are fantasy popcorn movies not based in any sort of plausible reality. The clue is any time you have your actors wave their hands or concentrate really hard and

It’s pronounced tH-ing not Ting you Irish Potato Eater.

This special is proof women are not funny. Compare this to something like the Bill Burr or Chappelle comedy shows and see how many times you laugh.

This special is proof women are not funny. Compare this to something like the Bill Burr or Chappelle comedy shows and see how many times you laugh.

I hope they returned his legally purchased guns after he passed a mental evaluation.

She is right. A good percentage of lezzies are harboring Daddy, rape or relationship issues. It’s like they think, I have no control over men or my life so I will try women so I don’t get hurt. Miley has severe mental issues. I hope she gets the help she needs before she over doses. Liam dodged a bullet.

She is right. A good percentage of lezzies are harboring Daddy, rape or relationship issues. It’s like they think, I have no control over men or my life so I will try women so I don’t get hurt. Miley has severe mental issues. I hope she gets the help she needs before she over doses. Liam dodged a bullet.

She is right. A good percentage of lezzies are harboring Daddy, rape or relationship issues. It’s like they think, I have no control over men or my life so I will try women so I don’t get hurt. Miley has severe mental issues. I hope she gets the help she needs before she over doses. Liam dodged a bullet.

She is right. A good percentage of lezzies are harboring Daddy, rape or relationship issues. It’s like they think, I have no control over men or my life so I will try women so I don’t get hurt. Miley has severe mental issues. I hope she gets the help she needs before she over doses. Liam dodged a bullet.

She is right. A good percentage of lezzies are harboring Daddy, rape or relationship issues. It’s like they think, I have no control over men or my life so I will try women so I don’t get hurt. Miley has severe mental issues. I hope she gets the help she needs before she over doses. Liam dodged a bullet.

Cheaters gonna cheat.

The NFL is a joke. They have lost control to their employees and their employee’s lawyers. It has ruined the game. Bring back the rules. All uniforms and shoes the same. Jerseys tucked in. No hair protruding from helmet. If not you don’t play.

This special is proof women are not funny. Compare this to something like the Bill Burr or Chappelle comedy shows and see how many times you laugh.

Only if you like implausible manufactured drama with no answers. In the end, it is all pointless. It is drama without purpose. No doubt there is some good writing and compelling scenes along the way, but it is definitely a moreenjoy the journey” because there is no destination.

Exactly. Attempting to make the game perfect and 100% safe has absolutely destroyed it.