Dr Emilio Lizardo

A country artist knows that the MAGA crowd will lap up his work because he said the n-word. They probably won’t even listen to his music but they’ll still support him because he’s ‘sticking it to the woke crowd’.

Nah, Gizmodo got sold off weeks ago. They just moved to a new commenting system.

Not entirely related but I learned that some people thought of June that they were seeing “too many rainbows.”  How miserable a person do you have to want to be if even rainbows make you angry?

But really, who could have expected the people who appropriated something as innocuous at the “OK” hand gesture as a symbol of hate would do the same for “White Boy Summer?” How could anyone have seen that coming?

It sorta sounds like nostalgia for an era that wasn’t actually as good as she remembers it being. For every Tarantino there had to be a thousand indie filmmakers who didn’t make a buck back on their film. Indie filmmaking was supposed to be more about making a film for the sake of art and not making big bucks anyhow. 

Plus you have streaming platforms themselves making movies.

I’m sure the rise of streaming also might be some kind of factor? A less-expensive movie to produce is probably easier to host online than finagle a theatrical release for.

I’m curious as to how many indie filmmakers actually made a lot of money 30 years ago. I would assume that being a writer on a big budget movie in the ‘90s would pay more on average than writing for an arthouse flick. I mean sure you’ve got your Tarantinos but I feel like they’re the exception. Maybe it was a bit

**Thomas, on behalf of himself: Buy me a yacht

The Mummy, Legend, Interview With the Vampire… okay, fine, everything is science fiction now.

(Wembley isn’t an American football stadium so he can be forgiven for the silly allusion here)

“*Kavanaugh, behalf of SCOTUS: Hold my beer”

Haven’t seen that post, but this is about a study that just published today, so that’s probably why.

It’s valued at $80 billion, it’s actually worth significantly less.

Oh, God, I’d pay money for a cocktail bar to talk to me like David Niven. 

Even as a long-time Burton apologist, I’m a lot more excited about this than I expected to be.

Eddie was unstoppable in that he had the energy of a very young man with the experience of a much older comedian. Delirious was 1983, he was 22 years old with 9 years of stand-up (and 3 years as the only reason anyone watched SNL) behind him. He was that successful combination of natural talent and hard work. 

It’s the tech industry. If no one wants it, Eleven Labs will just juice analytics until an acquisition comes along. Then that company will need to justify their purchase somehow, and suddenly the “Smart Fridge Talks Like Peter Lorre” option is an opt-out feature. It’s a fun industry!!

who wouldn’t want the baby of a singing walrus?

What a dick.”