Dr Emilio Lizardo

Your first paragraph is not correct. Sabina tends to not research her Disney posts very well.

“For a man who’s supposedly a model of compassion and tolerance, he sure does want a lot of people to cease to exist,” she added, which is a pretty ironic thing for someone who’s actively been calling for the erasure of trans people for years to say.

Accelerated Surgery Without General Anesthesia in Kidney Transplantation, or AWAKE for short

Too many people are much too dumb.

It’s pretty obvious (and common) how this happens in fiction. Somebody invents something they think is cool, like a light saber. Others start to embellish it a little or think about the implications of what you can do with it. Pretty soon, it becomes an unstoppable force that can solve any plot in the first few pages

Technology is advancing more slowly. You don’t need a new device every year or two, especially if you mostly just use it for email/internet/text/phone/camera which is what the huge majority of people do. Having 50% more megapixels in the camera means less than nothing when you are always looking at your pics on a 5"

It’s always assumed that women attained their position through something other than talent or hard work. They got the job because they are pretty. They slept their way to the job. Daddy bought it for them.  It isn’t surprising that they get tarred with the Nepo Baby brush more often as well.

Who wouldn’t want to live there? Unless Hollywood has lied to me, I assume you get superpowers.

I can only assume the CBS execs watched the first half season and then not another minute of the show. Otherwise they would have been like “whoa, hey, can’t have this here!”


Not voting for Biden makes it more likely Trump gets elected.

Nightmare?  Or minor curiosity?

But I can’t vote for Biden because _____.”

What exactly is a tracker?

“They did what to my party?”

New drugs don’t drive down the price of a class of drugs. They all just sell them all for the same price. They maybe even collude to do so, but proving that is hard. Once two or three go generic, the prices will come down to compete with the generics. But prior to patents expiring, the manufacturers jack up prices in

Now playing

Mercedes used to use a mono-wiper on some cars. The mechanism was more complex and may have broken more. It also used a heavier wiper, designed for trucks, so may have needed a stronger motor to run it.

Even if it were legal in all 50 states, it is still not legal on the federal level, so you could be arrested for having it on you in a national park, a federal building, or crossing state lines. If it is in your bag at a security checkpoint at an airport you could be arrested.

“...compelling emotional work, delivered impeccably by its stars, built off the back of a logical and narrative fallacy.”

Again, almost every streaming service loses money. They have three choices: