Dr Emilio Lizardo

As John Mellencamp once said, ain't that America?


It’s fine, but “secretly the best show on television?” That person apparently doesn’t watch a lot of television.

While I think there are one or two people in the country who might change their minds based on a televised debate, their main purpose is probably to keep pundits employed.

I’m thinking it is one of those two. Jacinto is slender, but the character looked like they had a feminine build and movements, not that a decent actor couldn’t fake that for one scene. The helmet is also a give away of sorts since it is a common trope. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen a helmeted motorcycle

It was my choice for the Hugo and Nebula in 2021, but Martha Wells wrote Murderbot novel, so it never had a chance. Which is why Wells started refusing nominations for Murderbot.

They aren’t being punished significantly now. $9.5M is a nuisance to Disney, not a punishment.

The next time someone asks why studios are so obsessed with sequels, point at this. It isn’t a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it isn’t “number one earner for the year after just a week" good either. 

If 20th Century Studios were smart, they would also sell a 9 movie set without the Tim Burton one and charge $120 for it.

The creative also can’t go on strike against the pirates for a bigger piece of the pie.

Is this some weird "how many jellybeans in the jar" sort of thing?

But are you proud of that tape?

What about the Not-A-Borg and Blue-Not-Darth-Maul versions seen only on screen in last week's epsiode?

Seems like if it is a choice between anything and losing money, Twitter is going to choose the second one.

It wasn’t, though. It was just to the ones whoreluctant. And his company's content repugnant.

“Rightous bandits” that certainly paid the creators and actors of those shows some royalties out of that $9.99/month, right?

It's CBS adjacent. What do you think?

Things that are 100% true that too few people believe:

It is not as disproportionate, but men do get much more screen time than women.

Those are mammatus clouds.