Dr Emilio Lizardo

The six stages of PS1 ownership as i remember it.

If Jack-Ass had a theme park, Pete Davidson would be the employee designated to play the part of Steve-O.

Holy shit, this guy is a grade A meth head douchebag.

Holy shit, this guy is a grade A meth head douchebag.

Holy shit, this guy is a grade A meth head douchebag.

Holy shit, this guy is a grade A meth head douchebag.

Try going to the store naked or driving 100 mph in a school zone or playing your music at full volume at 3 am or literally any of the other million different things the government regulates for the public good.

LOL! Give it up hippie. The government already controls every aspect of your life. This at least will help the environment and the economy instead of just stealing your money and wasting it.

Eventually the government will phase out gasoline power cars or make you convert it to electric. They need to allow a long time though. Probably by 2100. In 20 years there will probably be no manufacture left making gasoline/ICE cars anyway. So that brings you to 2040. Then another 40 for them to die or be naturally

This is a great idea, but make the sales tax on gas cars to encourage people to switch. Also, this is all assuming to government can get anything done to begin with and the rate of innovation from legacy auto makers is laughable. 


Fuck nostalgia commercialism, but damn if it did not get me in the feels.