Dr Emilio Lizardo

Exactly. Mando has gotten his ass kicked several times. Jawas, Space Rhino, the ex wrestler girl. If this was the SJW Star Wars Mary Sue Rey would be building a new Death Star. Those hacks Kennedy and Abrams has destroy the Star Wars legend. I will stick with Rogue One and the The Mandalorian.

Exactly. Mando has gotten his ass kicked several times. Jawas, Space Rhino, the ex wrestler girl. If this was the SJW Star Wars Mary Sue Rey would be building a new Death Star. Those hacks Kennedy and Abrams has destroy the Star Wars legend. I will stick with Rogue One and the The Mandalorian.

Exactly. Mando has gotten his ass kicked several times. Jawas, Space Rhino, the ex wrestler girl. If this was the SJW Star Wars Mary Sue Rey would be building a new Death Star. Those hacks Kennedy and Abrams has destroy the Star Wars legend. I will stick with Rogue One and the The Mandalorian.

Exactly. Mando has gotten his ass kicked several times. Jawas, Space Rhino, the ex wrestler girl. If this was the SJW Star Wars Mary Sue Rey would be building a new Death Star. Those hacks Kennedy and Abrams has destroy the Star Wars legend. I will stick with Rogue One and the The Mandalorian.

Fuck off SJW! This movie ain’t for you! Go watch Grey’s Anatomy and live this movie to the real men!

Fuck off SJW! This movie ain’t for you! Go watch Grey’s Anatomy and live this movie to the real men!

The film is just short of great and 20 minutes to long, but considering the weak competition of Marvel popcorn movies it should easily win. Although, Joker is probably better.

Any show makes STD look like a SJW Mary Sue joke.

It is literally time for the US government ot nationalize Google, Twitter and Facebook. They have become Public Utilities at this point and should be regulated. Imagine have your search phone number not work becasue your cell phone provider did not like what you were selling. It is the same as Google delisting or

Dat third no look, fuck you flip switch by Boda, though.

Dat third no look, fuck you flip switch by Boda, though.

Exactly. Mando has gotten his ass kicked several times. Jawas, Space Rhino, the ex wrestler girl. If this was the SJW Star Wars Mary Sue Rey would be building a new Death Star. Those hacks Kennedy and Abrams has destroy the Star Wars legend. I will stick with Rogue One and the The Mandalorian.

Mando has gotten his ass kicked several times. Jawas, Space Rhino, the ex wrestler girl. If this was the SJW Star Wars Mary Sue Rey would be building a new Death Star. Those hacks Kennedy and Abrams has destroy the Star Wars legend. I will stick with Rogue One and the The Mandalorian.

Exactly. Mando has gotten his ass kicked several times. Jawas, Space Rhino, the ex wrestler girl. If this was the SJW Star Wars Mary Sue Rey would be building a new Death Star. Those hacks Kennedy and Abrams has destroy the Star Wars legend. I will stick with Rogue One and the The Mandalorian.

You, son of a bitch!

Foldable screens are a solution to wanting a bigger screen in a smaller form factor. The problem is foldable screens are not the correct solution. Inside or outside fold does not matter. They will always be to thick and bulky. The correct solution it rollable screen that pulls out like a window shade.

I am watching it per pixel, starting in the upper left and ending on the bottom right of each frame.

More Marvel SJW trash. Mary Sueing non female superheros. Whites not being allowed to play minority roles. Hey, but at least we still have fat shaming.

More Marvel SJW trash. Mary Sueing non female superheros. Whites not being allowed to play minority roles. Hey, but at least we still have fat shaming.

More Marvel SJW trash. Mary Sueing non female superheros. Whites not being allowed to play minority roles. Hey, but at least we still have fat shaming.