Dr Emilio Lizardo

What it is going to take is a government mandate. A o.5% tax on all electric cars to pay for a one supercharging station at every gas station with 6 or more pumps. Plus a mandate for universal small and medium size slide out battery packs. You can build your car for 1 small, 2 small, 1 small and 1 medium. 1 medium, 2

Dat second fuck you flip switch by Boda, though.

Dat second fuck you flip switch by Boda, though.

Dat second fuck you flip switch by Boda, though.

Is it the same one she did the porn video with?

Fuck nostalgia commercialism, but damn if it did not get me in the feels.

Fuck nostalgia commercialism, but damn if it did not get me in the feels.

Fuck nostalgia commercialism, but damn if it did not get me in the feels.

Ha $84!

Ha $84!

Ha $84!