Dr Emilio Lizardo

Well, my guess is nobody though she would be dumb enough to wear the name of a drug dealer’s bagman, that contributed to her own death, on their face.

Oh, poor fucking billionaire baby. Boo-hoo.

There are 2 ways it could go. Either he is protecting the eggs or he is an uncontrollable hungry toddler. The problem is we have seen both. He clearly understood the Mudhorn was a threat and helped Mando. He sees the missiles light up on Mando’s arm and he takes cover. We have also seen him chew frogs and spiders, but

You’ll have to wait for the PS5 “micro” edition for that to happen.

As long as Bill Burr doesn’t come back. His acting was actually quite good, but that retarded Boston accent takes me out of the SW universe every time he opened his mouth.

This teaches us that a 4K Blu-ray drive costs around $100, while making us ask ourselves how much we really need such a drive.

That is just a totally illogical statement. At some point int the future, the S lack of hardware will hold back the X. Otherwise, we would all be still playing on our Xbox 360 just at lower rez and framerates. Take for example advanced features like next gen ray tracing Levelution during multiplayer. 100% dynamic

I’m still going to wait. If I learned anything from the eighth generation of consoles, it’s that within a year or two Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are all going to release upgraded versions of the Series X, PS5 and Switch. They’ll be smaller, have more storage, will be free of most of the bugs that plagued the launch

Are you under the impression that voter identifies their race/ethnicity when they cast a ballot. I guess in your world, Occam’s Razor suggest that poll workers are just randomly throwing out ballots with “funny sounding names”, because reasons. Instead of the far more likely scenario that some people aren’t filling

Seems like failure to sign a ballot is a very neutral, legal, non-racist reason to reject the ballot.  No one is trying to hide it, because there isn’t anything to hide.

If you didn’t notice retard, the reason the cops don’t “pop off” is because he didn’t resist and complied with their demand that he leave the premises. Maybe you can teach that to the black community. Aww, who are we kidding? They can’t resist playing the Ghetto Lottery™

They kicked out the Poll Watchers so they could cheat. Trump’s lawyers will have all those ballots thrown out now.

Pepper spray don’t work. The cops need to break out the lead spray.

I heard Fox News is going to call Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan early for Trump based on exit polls at the voting locations across those states. Even if they later have to retract.

Oh, I can not wait until he parks 2 tanks on the White House front lawn and and 2 armed infantry divisions and declares himself PRESIDENT FOR LIFE!!!!

Watch out Biden! If you win tomorrow Kama-lama-ding-dong is going to give you a big wet Covid kiss. LOL!

1. Don’t be a criminal or refuse a lawful command

All Lives Matter.

Anyone who disagrees is racist.

And there are only 2 things I hate, racist and black people.

Ok, so if only white people can play white parts and do white voices and only black people can do black parts and do black voices, when are we going to remove transsexuals playing women?