
i dunno, maybe you should have asked siri to think for you.

It was a fucking joke. Jesus Christ. Do people like you really exist?

See. You are the problem with league.

Why all the anger? Your short position is bound to pay off handsomely.

Lol @ tryhard comment.

Actually, it’s about gender identity ethics in Pokemon Go.

All fantastic no doubt but a little overly shopped for my tastes. I think it is honestly good enough that it was not necessary.

I heard the next Mass Effect game isn’t going to have Samus playable in it either. Worst game ever.

Right, cause rape is an appropriate consequence of criminal activity that we should be supporting.

That RE7 trailer didn't excite you?

Looks like the best one since the second.

I vote for healers. Always. Even healers in the other team.

Then you liked the only one that wasn't a Hitman game :)

Uh, you cheat in an online competitive game you do it at your own risk, if you get banned well, that’s your fault. If the ban is unfair you can appeal the decision. Also why would anyone ban people if they cheat in “offline mode”?

I love the idea that these despicable people rushed home after plopping down $50-$60 on a brand new game and were instantly banned again. “I’ve spent $200 on this game, and I can’t play it! I just want to be able to cheat and feel superior to others while simultaneously ruining the game for everyone else. Is that too

Doesn’t matter how hard they are to rangle, you are alone responsible for everything and anything they do. And should be held accountable as such. If a kid does something or hurts themselves or someone else nobody absolutely nobody should take the blame but the parents and the kid.

It’s pretty solid but it would be nice if there were some more traditional shots taken that has less photoshop and more of the actual cosplay. It’s like a movie with too much fake CGI :(