yung bramblepelt

It's not the absolute speed. It's the weaving, lane changes, and passing on the right. It's one thing to be the one overtaking in a faster car - it's a totally different feeling to be the one who suddenly gets overtaken by a car that just seems to appear out of nowhere.

Maybe is isn't really all that dangerous. . .

Yeah, I more or less agree, but he is speeding and being the typical Audi/BMW/Nissan driving douche, treating the roads like his personal track. He doesn't deserve to get the book thrown at him or "made an example of", but he does need punishment because no matter how careful he tried to be, it was still dangerous.

I'll bet she's now happy with her life choices.

Good thing Canada doesn't have extradition agreements with America.

Afroduck fled to Canada thereafter, leaving his pregnant wife behind.

Yeah, as long as the factory can establish shops for free everywhere and operate them with no overhead.

I bought my car from someone who had a side career as an S&M porn clown

Go sit.

There, there is no bunny.

Now I am mad.

Remind me, how exactly does this practice, or for that matter nearly anything dealers do, "Help and protect the consumer." again!?

That is the perfect GIF ever.

also they have technology and stuff

I know that joke is gonna get old at some point. But god damn am I glad for the time we have with it.


"Actually, it's about ethics in journalism."

Just so y'all know, the effect of being a "cool truck guy" seems to be minimized when your truck is a derelict mouse hotel.

someone sent this to me today;

Damn, I'm going to be pushing the R key on my truck all the way home.

That's without technology and stuff.

I'll be the first to admit that $19.5k is a bit too steep, but I seriously want the shit out of this car. And the scooter that goes with it.