Damn! That’s a good one. Has anyone ever done this, swap a Miata with an LS?
Damn! That’s a good one. Has anyone ever done this, swap a Miata with an LS?
+1 noble eightfold path
Damn, I really thought Deadspin commenters were a bit smarter than this. 58 stars?
Not aware of any aftermarket airbags, but getting Bluetooth should be a pretty easy fix.
Can't think of a more out-of-touch event to be holding these days.
I wear shorts and loafers all the time. I buy it. We’re both probably idiots for doing it, but it’s not unheard of.
I remember when they were trying really hard to be. Don't miss it.
Man what are you talking about. There is no sex in the champagne room
There’s “don’t bend your morals in front of your kid” and the minor effect karmically and parenting-wise that patronizing a homophobic corporation’s local franchisee has
Big Baller Buckets
lol if you think that the new models have fixed the physics of football.
When Wendy's had the ghost pepper spicy chicken and fries? Omg
I didn't know people enjoyed bk fries! I think they're the worst of the major chains. Wendy's was okay and now they're so good.
Me. Better burgers completely. And the spicy chicken kicks ass. That, and if I'm on my motorcycle and don't want a combo, the 2 for 6 is perfect. Wendy's otherwise, though. McDonald's if I want to feel terrible.
“Nobody gives a fuck about you or your problems” is kind of a boomer psalm though, and the congregation intones “back in my day...”
These remind me of the trunks on convertible minis. It's like a mail slot above the bumper. Hilarious, and kinda cool for the novelty.
I'm used to just seeing people driving around with empty roof racks. Never see em carrying anything.
It really bums me out that my fellow car enthusiasts would rather galaxy-brain a situation where people were doing 95 and blame the cop for being there and not the idiots doing that much over the speed limit.
lol “toxic SRT” is correct
No, I googled it (lol) and it depends on the conditions of the suspended sentence.