yung bramblepelt

“I am a Very Serious Gamer”

Actually, I looked at an F16 seat to see what you meant, and I think what happens is the whole seat is canted backwards. So while the backrest is basically 90 degrees to the seat, the whole seat is canted back like you were thinking. Same thing is probably true of the ones I posted also

Well, Kyrie's never had a rape accusation, so there's that

What do you mean by “fighter pilot lean”? They all sit at like 85 degrees.

This was a skim-to-the-bottom-to-Crack-Pipe

Is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar an Arab because...uh, Arabic name?

Is it more fun than a new Miata? Is it as wild as a Kawasaki H2? I feel like an electric motorcycle has a higher bar for charm than an electric car does. That’s the big question for me. Does it make the case at that price that it’s a unique enough experience to beat the alternative?

New BMW CEO announces radical pricing scheme: new models to be sold at used car prices

Yeah, you might need to reread what a zipper merge is. You're supposed to use the whole lane and then merge. What did you think it was there for? 

Nah, Ram got much better looking and way less bro-y. GM is definitely worst to me. 

I’m glad you like it so much. It’s definitely a handsome vehicle that makes sense, so it will most assuredly be canceled soon, so maybe someday I will end up in a used one.

This is just embarassing.

I'd like to chime in about an earlier article, and remind everyone that sometimes cyclists make drivers grumpy, so really both sides are to blame

This is truly a galaxy brain argument: there’s no risk to the rider because they die

Hey, if you're swerving into another lane, you're being a bad driver. Full stop. 

Won't somebody please think of the drivers, who *almost* killed someone! 

Yeah dude, you really are the wounded party here

You’re comparing NWSL players to USWNT starters though. Apparently the max salary for the NWSL player who isn’t a national team member is $39700, while Morgan makes $56000.

Tut tut, it’s “parentheses”

Uhhh, yeah they can lol. If there is a fifth the amount of electric cars (a generous overestimation) you're doing both.