Dregs Lewis

true, true. love that record now more than ever.

word avalanche.

First sea & cake record with the dude getting his hair washed. Confirmed the wisdom of buying records based on the cover.

joy division. was so happy when other bands finally started improving on JD's sound.

let it be is on the list??? I made it to D before the rage prevented me from going any further.

"It’s interesting because I tend to have very good, respectable opinions for everything else" A gay guy with great taste in everything except music? Shocker.

sound of Maggie's jungle gym collapsing on her, then Homer: "What was that? Oh, who cares."

i once saw a pere ubu show where David Thomas refused to continue unless someone bought him a pizza. He was given a Domino's in the nick of time that he greedily devoured. The show went on.

ack. suddenly that Tesco Vee Hate Song a few cycles back doesn't seem so bad.

Ugh, AVC, kill this feature already.

I suspected 37K was "dismal", but I really didn't need that confirmed - thanks a lot.