Edward Morbius

Exactly. You can't have suspense without uncertainty. If 100 people died trying to deliver the Death Star plans to the rebellion it still wouldn't be suspenseful because you know there has to be a 101st person to carry the plans.

The problem still exists because you know nothing can happen to the Death Star plans.

I would rather have a Star Wars movie that doesn't involve any of the known characters. How can you have dramatic tension in a movie when you know nothing bad can happen to the characters?

My theory concerning Trudy is that she was never really killed in the pilot. High castle stages her death in order to get Juliana involved with the resistance because he knew that she was crucial to the course of future events. Without Juliana San Francisco gets nuked and another world war begins.

There may not be any body to find. Since he apparently jumped off the Golden Gate bridge it depends on which way the tide was going. Besides you're overthinking it.

Alt-Tagomi committed suicide. It gets too complicated if alt-Tagomi traveled to another dimension. What would happen if he and Tagomi both appeared in his universe at the same time?

She actually says she lost sight of alt-Tagomi in the fog

A really boring two hour movie mostly about some guy tossing some sticks and looking things up in a book.

I think this season got better after Spotnitz left. The first half of season 1 was tedious and slow and I almost gave up until I saw a review that said the show picked up in episode 6 and it did. The second half was much better.

Please don't derail the comments section. I hate when people do that.