For many of us here in the South, the turnip is a staple. The entire plant is used including the leaves. As with most plants, it’s very healthy until those pesky seasonings (meat products) are added.
For many of us here in the South, the turnip is a staple. The entire plant is used including the leaves. As with most plants, it’s very healthy until those pesky seasonings (meat products) are added.
“But babe! If you don’t give me your ‘passwords’ you don’t really love me!” - Damn, that line has changed since I was in high school.
One person’s odometer “correction” is another’s profit center...
Sorry, but it’s always a “you” problem as it relates to spoilers AFTER the event. The world doesn’t stop to protect your feelings or wishes.
There WILL be a movie about this soon (I’m sure). Now who’s the dumbass!?!?
I put a teaspoon of water in the bowl and cover with a wet paper towel. Not perfect but not dry either.
Not relevant at all! Jimi distinctly says “excuse me while I kiss this guy”! Are you not listening!?!?
“you can share your Disney+ account with friends or family and split the fees” -Wait, what!?!?
I agree on everything EXCEPT the Magic Eraser plug. My brand name ME sponges quickly disintegrate on even the smoothest of surfaces. I can only imagine what tile grout will do to them. Bleach has always been a staple at our house for cleaning the grout in our shower. For some reason I never considered bleach…
Wow. I’m not sure why I never thought of it in this way. You make a very good point. Similarly, my wife has always argued AGAINST cheerleading being a sport when our daughter cheered (and competed). There is no arguing the athleticism involved but is it really a sport?
It wasn’t mentioned because, umm, well there’s an entire movie dedicated to warning us why we shouldn’t mention it...
Amateurs (such as myself) benefit from apps such as SkyView. The augmented reality makes it a snap to find or identify objects in the night sky. It works no matter where or when you’re using it so it will point out objects hidden in broad daylight. I’ve had the free version for years and it is indispensable!
I live exactly 7 miles from where I work. My parking space is in full sun all day. NEVER, EVER stopping to re-”fuel” is absolutely doable!
Funny. I just this week received an email AND voicemail concerning my nomination (anonymous) as a local “CEO of the Year”. My profile would be featured in “CEO Magazine”. After a little research I found that “CEO Magazine” is not “The CEO Magazine”. I also needed to pay for the amount of story they printed. $2400 for…
Since day one of our marriage our household expenses were split based on our incomes. It worked out that she had all the utility, healthcare and grocery bills while I had the mortgage. We adjusted the percentages as income and household expenses changed over the years. We have always maintained separate bank accounts…
Shameful! Wasteful! Woefully anti-environmental! Arrogant!
?? I’m confused as to your point. What statistics are required? You had issue with my statement that the article was “obvious(ly) calling out Trump voters”. This was in fact “obvious” had you read the article.
Oftentimes in real world situations experience will trump a degree. However, in my field as a mental health provider the state government dictates which degrees are required. It is embarrassing to admit but we have received resumes and CVs from individuals with advanced level degrees that were unable to put a…
“It’s almost cold and flu season season—yes, we still get to enjoy those, even during the pandemic” - If I have ANY symptoms of ANY sort my first thought is I’ve got the “rona” and panic sets in briefly. Then I have my first cup of coffee and all is ok.
Heresy! Everyone knows Miracle Whip is the sandwich’s best friend. No matter the time of day!