
No but “Fuck The 1969 Dodge Charger Guy’s Mom” is available...

So I assume you’re still using them...

“Berzerk” was the last of Eminem’s relevance.

Sorry guys. Trump isn’t afraid of any “truths” coming out. Basically, ZERO FUCKS!!!

I bought two new Fingerlings on FleaBay for only a $5.00 premium (each) earlier in the week. Completely reasonable in my opinion.

My defense usually goes something like this: “Hey! You can stop with that language in here pal!”. I then quickly assess how bad the ass-whooping is about to be and I either bolt or curl into the fetal-position. I do my part but I’m a smallish white guy...

What? You don’t think a big white bouncer would do the trick?!?!

“it explodes with the force of 10,000 cockadoodledoos” - Yeah, right. I’m sure you took the time to actually measure this. Throwing around a bunch of techno-babble doesn’t make you any smarter than the rest of us.

I’m not a real Trump fan but I still struggle to see how this “pee tape” is relevant. Everyone makes it out to be a racist action when in fact it sounds like he’s being juvenile. I just don’t get it.

“’I fucked your mom, ...isn’t constructive criticism” - Well, that depends.

So many (especially the Gawker Liberals) seem to be concentrating their wrath on the tax cut for the wealthy. Do none of you agree that government spending, entitlement or otherwise, is out of control?

This never gets old...

“You do not understand the struggle that is trying to wrangle these broads into the same picture when some dude asks for a photo of me without a shirt and bra on.” - Is this a regular request?

Changed the shocks on my 1968 Camaro. What can possibly go wrong? Left the wrench on the lower shock nut. Backing out of the drive the open end of the wrench punctured and then proceeded to rip a 6" gash into the sidewall of the new (as in zero miles) tire.

After a post here on LH a while back, I keep a tampon in my first aid bag. I think armed service(s) medics do the same. Based on the odds you posted, I’m more likely to be shot (or witness a shooting) than needing a machete for the zombie apocalypse. The tampon might come in handy...

So asking the thugs nicely to “please don’t hurt me” wouldn’t work?

Funny how the crash position has changed over the years. There was enough seat pitch in the past that THIS was the crash position for everyone on the plane.

Your post is a cliff hanger! There must be more to this story!!

Grad students shouldn’t complain about paying taxes on the high “value” of the tuition. Perhaps they should complain about the high “value” of the tuition.

I guess the “incest salad” is better than the “tossed salad”. Or maybe not...