
Pageviews don't mean a journalist is doing his/her job right. Very often there are misleading or controversial headlines on Gizmodo designed purely to attract lots of pageviews.

None of the example pictures look any good - if those were what the company considers good enough to sell the product, then the product just isn't worth buying.

It's not "the captain goes down with the ship", it's "the captain remains on the ship to organize and coordinate the rescue of the thousands of people onboard". The rescue team for example was pissed because there was nobody on board for them to talk to to tell them things like the numbers and positions of people in

How can you say it has absolutely nothing t do with the ability to find labor? Do you know a good source of 8,700 industrial engineers willing to all relocate to a small region? In our society, people tend to look down on those non-degree specialist schools that produce people like that. Most people here either

Where are you getting such a skewed view? People in Foxconn aren't forced to do diddly. They work far from their families because it's such a good, high paying job. And the company doesn't have to offer dorms to live in, the workers could always rent their own apartments if they wanted. Compared to other factories

Yes, you're doing it in Maps, when I was responding how to do it in the browser like you asked.

They aren't claiming state secrets. According to this article, they are claiming that because the astronauts on film work for Nasa, and it was filmed aboard a Nasa vehicle, then they can claim it is illegal to show the film.

Isn't NASA a government agency? If so then this is a violation of the first amendment.

"The reality is that no matter how far Apple has pushed into the cloud, iPads still need laptops to complement them."

How about the fact that they don't sensor books right now? Have you seen the books they offer for iBooks? There's no censoring going on. Just like they don't censor music (what options are limited in the music business, BTW?)

Double-tap again, it zooms out

"Oxygen Kinetics", eh? Sounds more like it measures your arm motion and based on that guesses how much activity you are doing. In other words, nowhere near accurate or reliable.

The higher-priced models come with a GTX 555, which apparently is a slightly slower 560.

Ergonomics. I mean, they've made that choice before - support Flash for more money and far better support for websites, or go with increased battery life and speed?

Almost every place there's pinch to zoom, there's also double-tap to zoom.

Of course both types of devices can have apps that work one way or the other, but as this article pointed out, the iPhone's high res display was designed to make things easier to read with sharper, clearer text and icons, while those larger screen Android displays were designed to show more information, but smaller.

It's not about "going down with the ship", it's about remaining onboard to coordinate passenger rescue. In this case the helicopter needed a point of communication, someone who would know who was in most need of rescuing, where they were on the ship, things like that. And the "mutiny" was the fact that the captain

I disagree that regular folks need the check engine light and nothing else. Back in the day I was having a lot of financial troubles, and the light came on. Now, this could mean anything including "Drive 15 more minutes and the engine will be permanently damaged". So I of course took it to the shop, though I

The Hobbit is going to be at 48fps next December, but yeah, Avatar will be the first 60fps movie for wide release.

I believe most 3DTV's and Blu-Ray players do this (mine do), it's not news unless these guys do it a lot better.