
You should check out Metropolis on Blu-Ray, old black and white films, even silent ones, can look amazing on Blu-Ray (though that one does have some poor quality sections because they only found one old batteed film reel with the full movie). Film, color or not, has more detail than even 1080p can show.

Yeah, $30 for a Blu-Ray is only if you've never heard of Amazon.com; I never pay more than $25 for a Blu-Ray, and even that's rare.

Uh, his point was that Blu-Ray is better than streaming, not the theater is better than streaming.

But that's the thing - the best video compression we have right now is the same one being used on Blu-Rays. So it isn't meaningless at all to compare bitrates, any bitrate less than what's on the Blu-Ray will mean lower quality, until that changes.

I think after removing it from the bag, a lot of people would think it's real.

The point isn't that it was a real gun, the point is that someone looking at it could think it was a real gun. A fake weapon is just as viable a terrorism object as a functional one, and just the wrong person glancing at her bag during the flight could cause a panic.

But so what if it escapes because of some disaster? Without doing this plan the CO2 would be in the air anyways. So a disaster would only be undoing the attempted fix, not making things worse.

But you said you'd play the game if it was on Vita. It's a touchscreen-only game, with gameplay designed completely around the touchscreen. Being on Vita wouldn't change that, closest you could come to porting it without touch controls would be something with motion controls that let you swipe.

That sucks, I was hoping it would be a 1:1 scale model of the rocket

But, you don't explain why you feel that way. What's the difference between playing a touchscreen-controlled game on the iPod Touch and playing the same game with the Vita's touchscreen? Especially one with graphics this good that will rival many Vita games?

You seem to be living in the past :) You can get a laserjet printer for $100 these days, with USB connectors and everything. They are marketed to individuals, not enterprise businesses.

They can. The printers are designed to have their firmware updated by being sent commands through a fake print message. So these researchers created their own firmware that would read the printer's cache which tends to have the last couple things you printed in it and send it to them, and would then keep heating up

I don't get it, what does this have to do with the Muppets? All I hear are people saying "Gizmoodo? Gizmooodooo!" I saw the movie last night and that never happened :)

The US penny is worth more from its raw material than 1 cent, but it's illegal to melt pennies down, exact same thing.

Funny, Cleverbot's been gathering data for 24 years :P Sure, if an Android app takes 24 years to slowly teach an AI, it can equal Siri!

I think you are misunderstanding what Siri really is. It's not just voice recognition with human-like responses - in fact, the recognition is ALL handled locally on the device. The device incorporates speech recognition, and then sends what you said to Apple's servers. Apple's server then runs an intensive AI

New Kindle screen is 70/24, not 70/30 (they made the screen look white for increased contrast). And who cares if the screen flashes once when changing every 6th page? As for the sunlight, You don't need direct sunlight to make an LCD screen unusable - my phone is hard to read even on a bright cloudy day.

I could see using it occasionally - in series like The Wheel of Time which have hundreds of characters, you might want a refresher on who exactly a character is when they come up, and what their background is.

Wow factor for Sony device compared to these i-glasses...let's see...16:9 vs 4:3, 720p vs...some random resolution I can't find anywhere. HDMI vs standard A/V video cables. OLED vs LCD, designed for HD movies vs designed for iPod movies, supports 3D standard vs requiring specially formatted 3D media files, full 720p

Actually, yes they are. Microsoft's current plans are to release a major new version of their OS every three years. And they can't maintain that schedule without working on two versions concurrently. So somewhere in Microsoft, Windows 9 is being developed.