
It’s impossible to not cry.

I left this in a new thread, but it really belongs here:

“See, the thing is that if we stay together I have a feeling that it’ll end with me saying ‘I do’...when they swear me in to testify about your missing body.”

Well, let's. I'll kill something, and you can pontificate. Right?

You can definitely cook those in the microwave.

Well, I mean, you *could*. You should probably kill and prepare them first though.

I rarely use my microwave except for steaming vegetables. I do vastly prefer stovetop cooking because I can be a mad scientist like I always wanted to be, and it’s more involved and hands-on. But the wonderful thing about steaming veggies in the nuke-o-matic is that, unlike blanching, more of the lovely plant

Um, dear heating *is* cooking. How do you cook with a freezer? How do you cook with a sink? Or with your immersion blender? Cooking is heating things so that:
1. Microbes that will make you sick will die
2. Tough fibers and proteins soften so it’s easy to chew with our weak human jaws.

Stick a piece of raw chicken in the

“to cook” means to prepare food by heating. Not sure where you got your definition other than a false sense of pretentiousness.

With a big bowl you can boil stuff in a microwave and it’s no different from doing it on a stovetop. The stovetop is more practical for that purpose but if you don’t have one, you can survive.

That man scares the hell out of me.

I’m not sure, Vaginafication Nation. I think heating might be cooking, in many instances.

We ruined an entire Thanksgiving turkey in a microwave once.

I bought one of those and I love it- though I don’t microwave that much. It’s the perfect, reasonable size bowl, has a handle, and a top! When I do use it in the microwave, it’s worked well to cook/warm stuff and the top keeps things from splattering. I did make the potato au gratiny thing and that was good- and

Easy. Go to home depot and buy a heat gun.

A couple of my friends don’t have one and I’m slightly flabbergasted. It’s such a quick, energy efficient way to heat up food. I use mine all the time since I usually cook a big batch of food to last me for a few days.

Based on my mom’s behavior when we got our first microwave in the 70s: Yes, you can. How long everyone will put up with eating the results is a different matter.

In my experience (observed from families, friends, and coworkers), nobody ever utilizes the power setting. Imagine trying to cook everything in your oven at 500 degrees and only high on your stove top.