My goodness, she really can’t say a single thing without being criticized. This is a perfectly reasonable answer.
My goodness, she really can’t say a single thing without being criticized. This is a perfectly reasonable answer.
Actions do speak louder than words but I am still glad that she brought up that there is white privilege. I feel like a lot of people are clueless about its existence. We need to get more conversations going to expose people to a fact that has not been noticed by most of white america.
I would say this is a lot safer than in the old days sending little girls door to door selling cookies. Does that not sound like a terrible idea to anyone?
You’re getting ripped off! It’s still 4$ a fix here.
In all seriousness I went to girl scout summer camp (with horses) as a kid and it was the shit
Couldn’t you set up a cookie stand in any section of Portland and get the same result?
Girl’s got ambition.
I feel like someone else did this months ago? Or years
Location, location, location! When I was a kid my troop made a killing setting up in a T station at rush hour.
Possibly because they were seen as providing not-up-to-standard medical care. I think the vibrators were advertised as medical devices and were sold to doctors.
“Not sold to barbers.”
One of the very first vibrators was invented by a French doctor in the late 19th century -can’t remember exactly when and don’t want to google the subject at work. It was water-powered and called “The Manipulator”. Seriously.
Not sold to barbers.
My thoughts exactly. For a Steampunk-esque BDSM event, ideally with more than two participants, I can see this little beauty causing a pile-up. For day-to-day use, not so much!
No idea, but it is “not sold to barbers.” They’re trying to keep it classy.