
Speaking of megalomaniacs, i.e. I know Powertrip Pinkham will dismiss this instantaneously, could someone explain why, in a story about discrimination, it's OK to continue to bash this site's favorite go-to hated minority, the Germans?

It actually doesn't. I preemptively posted this upthread. I do not understand why or how it is constantly OK to monolithize another culture on this supposedly tolerance-preaching website. It is us Germans who identify the American tourists by their Tevas (and their Birkenstocks for that matter – we don't wear them, at

Mindful of the pile-on on the British dating site woman last week, I want to pre-emptively say in defense of the Germans, we actually don't have anything to do with the socks and Tevas thing. In fact in the well-dressed South you will never see any Germans wearing Birkenstocks, ever. That is how we identify the

Jezebel is not a liberal feminist website. It is a troll site for women. Jezebel and Gawker media hate women. Isn't the coverage of the leaked nude photos and the Lena Dunham militia evidence enough of that? Let alone the intentional divisiveness of "grievance studies" writers like this one.

Jezebel isn't a feminist website. Its writers do not espouse or embody feminist virtues or values. The other part sounds about right.

Huh, that's interesting. FWIW, I've endured the constant pressure of feeling/hearing that we are about to lose all funding, be subsumed into another department (this has actually happened at the institution where I'm "away" on fellowship right now), dealing with incredibly misogynistic and hateful dudes and the

By all means get the tenure. You (and it seems like a few other people here) know how hard hard hard you had to work for it, just to get on the tenure track for Pan's sake. At my institution newly tenured faculty are eligible for a year's sabbatical in the first post-tenure-making semester. Maybe you could look into

Jezebel is so progressive; you can be black, a POC, trans, differently abled, mentally ill, poly, just a plain slut, criminally minded (as long as you're jamming The Man)...just don't be the worst thing you can possibly be: 55 or older.

Thanks for that recommendation and to remind me to clarify when writing.

Thank you for that lovely and thoughtful reply...and for reminding me of Captain Awkward...someone had recommend that before and I just forgot. And I'll check out Fusion.net.

It's time for me to move on from being a Gawker media commenter.

I heard a DJ mix this as a sample with a dance version of Bruce Hornsby's "The Way It Is." Not kidding.

Hi. I know this is the feces beat writer, but, also, this platform isn't Twitter.

Trolls don't usually make me snap or get me response but, please, eff off. It would be such a lovely addition to the rapidly fading Jezebel to have a nice space to talk about the rejuvenation of the art of the music video and new singles. The writer put together a few paragraphs without any typos, spelling or

It's really a beautiful video and song. The young dancers/actors are incredible and the long scenes are breathtaking, and just on a purely technical level show that not everything has to be cross- and jump-cut to rivet your attention. The penultimate shot where you can see the plane high in the sky moving in the same

argued with me once that his degree from Full Sail was equivalent to my impending degree at a top-20 school.

So I casually emailed her, explaining the whole situation from beginning to end.

This isn't a feminist website, you should know that by now. It's a fear-mongering woman-hating bag of pearl-clutchers. Did you not see the story earlier this week, "hate and post comments about the self-confident / possibly unattractive British person?" This particular first person narrative could exist on its own on

It was stand-up-turnt-impromptu-riot grrrl meeting.

How do you feel about people who admit liking Creed, or Coldplay, for that matter?