
I also loathe Alison Pill. I get her confused with that nepotrixen Gummer sometimes and I loathe her too, when I know who she is.

I'm sorry but Carnivale was awesome.

JMK has a winery? Wow. I lived in Utah for a while and I always wondered why Tool toured the Southwest so much. I saw Tool in Provo, Utah. No lie.

Gella, I knew you would come through with a literal parsing of the headline.

They're not just for keeping your house clean or passive aggressively leaving in front of your roommates door hoping that one day he or she will take the goddamn hint.

More than. FTLoG.

Look...I'm actually studying pinnipeds in the Chathams, Tasman Sea, etc. with a home base near the Stewarts. I've seen what white Protestants like to call "native" or "tribal" pinniped hunting in both hemispheres. Before this I was in Scotland and before that in Newfoundland...like, that is one of my professional gigs

I live on the South Island of New Zealand, probably closer to the the South Pole than these pristine tribal cultures live to the North. Produce and alternative protein sources are expensive, no doubt.

Actually, that's only true if I buy your cultural relativism theory. I don't. I live in a place where the "they have every right to continue to eat said diet," patronisingly applied to indigenous peoples, resulted in the extinction of the species "said diet" consisted of and the continued plight of "traditional"

There aren't a lot of people in the Arctic. Yet. What's your point?

I've been a vegan since I was 14, so...

This is actually not true. Seals are still killed by clubbing so that the skins, which are also (cough cough) "valuable" are not damaged.

I am very familiar with the Einstein archive and with the community of scientists and scientific research in exile between the wars. There is absolutely no evidence that Einstein's research achievements were not singular. Because this happens frequently does not mean it happened in this case. This falsehood about

You know what my friend is? The Luitpoldgymnasium in München, where Einstein went to what Americans know as high school, and where I also attended school for my Abitur. This school, and all of the schools Einstein attended in Germany and Switzerland, have extensive records of Einstein's earliest research, as do the

I also dislike Amy Adams in every role but the one in Junebug and I've never seen anyone else post something even remotely along those lines, so, thank you.

No, no one does. Seriously. This is absolutely not true.

No, it's just self-righteousness + indignation about everything + easy target + oversimplification of subject that makes most of Crosley's writing terrible.

Exactly, but "give up" what? The privilege of having the Plastics vote on how pretty they think you are? No. (Not no to your comment but to the situation.)

Both empathise in memory about the bullying and agree with your conclusion. Yeah, no on the friends.

Yes, that's exactly right in terms of the differences in identifying carriers. Unfortunately ebola is also the gift that keeps on giving (especially in light of Gift = poison auf Deutsch) in that corpses of the deceased remain "hot" i.e. contagious for up to 72 hours post mortem. It seems like the relief teams who