Also act as if you have most likely drowned at sea while on a very manly fishing trip. Then you are understood to be a bit heroic! That helps.
Also act as if you have most likely drowned at sea while on a very manly fishing trip. Then you are understood to be a bit heroic! That helps.
Does anyone recall how racy and inappropriate Olivia Newton Johns “Let’s Get Physical” was considered upon release? I was young, but remember protesting, church condemnation, lots of scathing reviews. This was before social media, but it made news...on all 3 channels! It was the first sexual in nature video made…
That is all so exciting! Feel unsettled,but don’t forget to remember how cool it is to be on your own in a new city, and needing to buy things to set up Your New Life. Hope it all goes swimmingly :) Namaste, your aptartment has all it needs, really.
I would like to see consensus on how we are defining intelligence, charisma and talent. All are subjective, and it should be acceptable to contend he is/has none of those things.
I’m not familiar with these shows, but because of your gif I now must know why Alexis Neiers is calling Nancy Jo with such an Attitude.
Why are they both so interested in looking at their fingers?
It’s about taking the word. CUNT. It doesn’t have the sting if we remove it’s bling.
The text was pretty bad. However, who among us will admit to being the cuntface? Someone on here must have been, at least once.
No kidding. Do we really want an aging, scowling man to be our president? FYI donald, you are now the gander.
I’d guess 3.2 million will say it out loud and another 7.6 gazillion will think it to themselves.
From your lips (or keypad) to God’s ears.
A protesting lady, science lab, a bike and a mountain-top political rally? This dream is a happening ;)
Garland Merrick!
Dreams or nightmares?
Hey, whatever works.
7 months left of presidency is a plenty respectable amount of time to nominate a justice. I’m thinking that there is no way the republicans can shut it down for that long, especially considering the precedent. You know they would appoint if it was the other way around.
Yeah, that’ll show us.
I get them too, same rules apply. Actually, it was those folks that made opening the door a hassle and unnerving. I don’t care about being ‘polite’ as much as I used to.