
So very clever you are!

Yay kickboxing! I bet that is a great way to get feelings out, as well as release some endorphin action.

*Costa Rica*

Thank you, me too! The thing is, I love organic cows milk. I was trying to figure out what was making me itchy, blamed milk (which as a human being I should not be drinking anyway, so odd) and quit it and started enjoying more almond milk. Mistake!

If you have the means to retire...what are you waiting for? So, be penny wise. Live on a budget. Hell yes, it’s hard working for a living. Honestly, in your head and heart, aren’t you already gone? Live, man. Live your next life.

It may not be helpful, but I started itching like crazy last year, turned out it was food allergy that I had never had before, but now....no almonds. Ever. Again. Sigh.

How long have you had him?

You rock, Stephanie Werner. Shine on.

I lost 30 pounds some years ago, it crept up on me as well. I had been working as an aerobic instructor and personal trainer until I went back to college and got chunky fast. What sort of exercise do you prefer? Identify what you enjoy doing to move: biking, swimming, walking, treadmill, elliptical or the like for

Oh Grey, that sounds awful. Bless your heart. Hope they find out why it happens and can nip it in the bud.

Wow, you have been through some stuff...and around a good part of the earth! Glad you made it to Boston.

What are you on about?

You did the right thing by letting the creep know you are not interested. What did the police say? It stinks that you don’t feel safe, but if he leaves you alone the feeling may pass. Stay aware. I’ve had this situation and it was scary. Nothing bad happened, he eventually moved. If you are renting and have an

Keep talking . You are going through a lot. Find ways to be kind to yourself, get out and do the kickboxing! Ask family or friends to visit the sweet babe so you can sleep? Maybe screaming once in a while is ok.

Dear, don’t ever do that to yourself again. If you do, no reason to ruin a weekend. Who can stand up facially to a 10x mirror? It’s not real, no one looks at you that closely or cares to.

Wish I knew more about you and Big Foot. I remember very clearly how I felt at 14, 15, 16. It’s a challenging time, all right. At least, for some kids. SO Misunderstood!!!!!

Bless your heart. Stay strong. Reward will come. It may not be until Big Foot is an adult and gets what a pain she can be/was. She may have some hard lessons to learn, but she will survive them, as we all have. Take care of you.

You and your mom doing pain melds! Awesome.

hahaha! What Didn’t you do? That is the question.

How could you feel stronger about asserting yourself? When are you able to?