
Why did they take it so personally?

This. We do not have to open the door because it’s knocked on. Nope.

No way!? Man, when/if I date again No One gets to know where I live until we are friggin’ married. It just does not feel safe. When I’m at home, I want to be left alone, sanctuary from life kinda thing unless you are invited, ya know? Sorry you had that creepy shit.

DST is here, has happened! Better yet? I don’t know if this will cheer you, but your kinja name is one of the very best and makes me happy when I see you using it. Thank you!!

Hahaha! Why would biggest let down turn in to pig fest? Thanks for this! LOL

If you never felt sexually attracted to him, he married the wrong woman and you married the wrong man. Let him go. There are plenty of women who will be attracted to him, and he will choose one that will be a step mom to your kids.

I’m so sorry you are sick. I am in bed 23/7 at this point due to extreme nausea. Don’t have the gagging, except when brushing teeth, then dry heaves like crazy. How long do these spells last? You must eat sometimes, wondering if it comes and goes.

Pig fest let down? Was that you or auto correct? I am now wanting to see long deserving pigs get a festival, just to celebrate them. Not the eating of them. The frolicking, cool species them.

Eight weeks is an awesome start...congratulations! Where do you walk? As what sort of landscape.

As a kid, crayola-wise, I loved periwinkle. It is fun to say as well. Sounds like a color a fairy would wear.

“my boyfriend said “that better not be morning sickness”

Social grace allows and encourages sharing in a civil manner. Are you rude? I doubt it, and your northern ways are not alien ways. Southerners are not more polite than anyone else. Trust yourself!

Congratulations! (?) What does a local precinct chairperson do?

Raspy cat licks are quite nice.

Oh George! It is 1am in the PNW, sorry to be so late in saying...you are truly beautiful. Sweet babe. Let us give you a kiss.

Godspeed, dear Bella. Good girl.

Don’t stop trying, Butter Nutter! Emily may allow it some day. It will be worth the wait in that glorious moment. I rescued a 6 toed cat and wanted to kiss those funky fluffy freaky feet for years before she finally let me. Sigh. That was a fine day.

It sucks that happened to you, surely your experience is not unique. Women are targeted by men as fuckable, dismissable ( old or unattractive ) and/or a threat to ego. Younger selves take it to heart, I get it and have done the same. If you could magically go back in time being the person you are now in that

And that boy is NOT “really very sweet.”

Doesn’t it follow that investing in girls education mean providing a secure place for them to learn? How can America help to achieve that?