
They'll become a collectors item as most of them will end up sitting in police evidence lockers.

Huh? I'm thoroughly looking forward to the next chapter of the adventures of Jaen Grye

Welp I'm really gonna miss this place.

Was there an official post for this somewhere?


You'll roux the day you make fun of Soupman Inc!

Can't wait for the law school spin off Litig-ish.


In conclusion Walton Goggins is a man of contrast, thank you.

I love America more than the moon and the stars and [POETIC IMAGE 35 NOT FOUND]

Two and a Half Mengele

I have to go now my planet needs me

Jack: That'll trick those race car loving wideloads into watching your lefty homo propaganda hour.
Liz: Boy you just don't like anybody do you?

Another Madonna SNL sketch that there's no video proof of but definitely exists and was hilarious

Hey that's only a half truth!

I hated my first two days at John Waters Camp. No one knew who was the sluttiest but I showed them, oh I show them all! And when camp was over a week later…

When are they gonna get to the chocolate factory?!

The most rewarding part is when they gave him his money.

Keep reaching for that rainbow!

No but there was a show where Pam Anderson ran a bookstore called Stacked so you know same ballpark.