
My son is also named Gort!

Baby Driver gets mucus plugged on late night talks shows.

I'd be delighted if after Infinity War that's his whole character arc… rich guy doesn't learn anything still a dick.

Plus taking Cap's shield…Peter's suit…all his Daddy issues are on full display, guy gets off on being withholding!

Is A this movie A set in the Avengers A universe A? The A trailer really A left that part vague.

You gotta hand it to those dolphins …they just wanted it more.

It's not a comedy!

You'll get Amy Adams and like it!

That space dumpster always looked more like a sex cauldron now that I think about it.

I don't know about y'all but i'm gonna wait for these white folks to go bed and dig up that gold.

I sir am a lady lawyer!

Might even get it bleached….birthday's coming up.

Jeannie Gold
Planner de Weddingos/Prostituta

Dad why did you bring me to a Burger King to tell me this?

You have the undeserved ego of Jeremy Piven, the annoying self righteousness of Sean Penn and the embarrassing hypocrisy of Rush Limbaugh, basically you're almost as bad a person as Rachel Ray.

The greatest show Larry King's ever seen?

Sometimes I'll be on missions or sometimes I'll be at the house…but my main duty is to say howdy doodie to your fruity!

The news business has become a young black woman's game…I just can't compete with Epiphany Larenz.

Later world…SMELL MY ASS!

Say you're sorry!