
Oh absolutely. Same with Charlie Sheen and countless others who have abused women. Hell, Winona Ryder suffered greater social consequences for her shoplifting charges than men who’ve done far worse.

You know I was thinking and that’s actually another great sign of Hollywood sexism; the things that make Courtney Love “undesirable to work with” are the same things that made people say things like “Robert Downey Jr would make a great Iron Man”.

Well how can we expected to listen to a woman about something if she is imperfect?

I’ll have to remember “All Holidays Matter”.

It may have been only fair episode but Nanjiani seemed to know his material and didn’t rely so heavily on cue cards like many hosts seem to do. The Call Center skit was strangely affecting and almost touching. I am not sure about the humanizing of Melania because one can’t help but find think her actively complicit

That Niger joke was the best joke SNL has told in seasons. Shocking and perfectly crafted.

I doubt Ted Cruz would ever hobnob with “Hollywood Elites”

While I don’t doubt one second that talent agencies would blacklist people for speaking out against Weinstein or other Big League Hollywood Predators, how do we know she wasn’t blacklisted for simply being Courtney Love?

What a monster! How could he do such a horrible thing?

Definitely gonna start watching this

Surely the only institutionalized misogyny in this or any other industry. Glad we’ve eliminated it at least.

... ok.

One does not usually find washer/dryers scary unless they are by LG

How strange. I prefer them better.

Should I be worried that Jason’s 13 point scale makes sense to me?

The sight gag of the real build a bear made me laugh ridiculously hard. That and Ted Danson’s crisis face were the best parts of this episode.

It’s no wonder this show is so popular.

Tina Fey is really, really bad at talking about social issues in a way that is both insightful and funny. Why does she keep trying?

The sauce contains potassium benzoate.

The ex-VW owner probably comes out ahead in the long-run.