Prosperity for the forgotten man! Now, as I ascend my crystal staircase, I warn you, avert your gaze!
Prosperity for the forgotten man! Now, as I ascend my crystal staircase, I warn you, avert your gaze!
I'm fairly certain at least one of them is employed by the AV club.
You have selected Regicide! if you know the name of the king or queen you want murdered press 1!
She married Ron from A Different World she's gotta be swimming in money.
Unfortunately it's the blood pie from Thinner.
Stuff you!
They did have a good Guantanamo Bay episode.
Trump shouldn't have decieved us but I'm just glad Lenny's okay
His flapping dickey routine is 10 times less racist than anything Trump has said.
We thought he was a dikmouse but he was a titmouse all along.
I really doubt it but maybe a Trump presidency can revert the Simpsons into at least somewhat recognizable form of satire machine it once was then die gracefully.
We think we have a good union but we don't …we're practically slaves
Don't praise the machine
No one named Vladamir could possibly be a cruel man.
Never trust a big Hutt and a smile this franchise is poison.
Cool it now with this pun thread!
It's a living!
Oh that's just beema
It's full of WHAT?!
If I'm not mistaken Bryan Tucker who is co-head writer was a writer on Chapelle's Show and famously appeared in the I know black people sketch