
Ironman 2 has a lot of issues but the one thing I find truly bizarre in it is Black Widow's characterization or lack thereof. Okay you're undercover as a notary or whatever but the first thing you're gonna do is judo flip Tony's bodyguard in front of him and Pepper Potts….nothing suspicious about that at all.

Vie Ghostbusters, Vie

He's just jealous cuz Tony Stark was about to buy NBC.

The A.V. Club

2 4 6 8 Parker's crime was really great!

The upcoming Punisher spinoff is actually a Punisher 2099 adaptation with Barb in the lead role.

They got these big chewy pretzels here and…..arhglllsjkirgh….FIVE DOLLARS! get outta here


And this Risperdol induced gynecomastia shows no signs up letting up.

Foolish humans you should have shot poop at where I was going to be not where I was.

Hey aMoe why you noa speaka witha you accent no more.

Its funny that it looks like Scarlett was the only one from team Iron Man who had to actually be on set for the airport fight.

Shame on Joey's nephew from Joey

It's an ending…that's enough.

His opinions are as valid as the next man's!

I like Mike Drucker's take on it

Look out Harley he's Irish !

Next on HBO: Tracy Ullman performs her ethnic favorites

I also do a good Roger