Goodamn. Then i got tot his part.
Goodamn. Then i got tot his part.
Have you seen the price of a Harley these days!
Lord knows White folk love their pets
As reported by DCist, Susan and the like have descended on HU’s hallowed grounds with their puppies on parade despite the fact that Northwest D.C. is full of nearby recreational parks.
So, here’s my idea. Get the entire community together, and take over the grounds of, say, the Washington Monument, and when #GentrifyingGeorge and his buddies complain about how they’re ‘disrespecting’ the grounds, tell them that if they don’t like it, they can move the monument.
I don’t understand what the lesson here is even supposed to be honestly. Putting one student infront of others who are screaming at them and berating them doesn’t teach the screaming children what it was like to be black during jim crow. How could this even do the thing it purports to do? Taken at face value how could…
On Tuesday, Trump tweeted out the video, which featured an odd collection of imagery—among them, Washington landmarks, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Rosie O’Donnell and Amy Schumer
Very. I’m firmly in “this country is really broken in a lot of ways and yet this administration sets out fake boogeymen to distract all of us” camp.
what about single parents and mostly mothers with very young children ? gov gettng greedy again
Right. Are these gig economy jobs? Because those might keep you off the unemployment rolls, but they’re not good stable jobs.
A star for you, my dear
What today’s well-to-do person does NOT understand is that we poor are doing ALL OF THE OTHER things to stay alive that well-off people pay other people to do: fix our own shit, move our own shit, clean our own shit, buy and cook our own food, raise our own children and the list goes on. We are doing what they will…
For a couple of years I’ve looked for part-time retail work in this new booming economy and you can’t just wander into a place anymore and chat with a manager, you have to apply online. That must be another hindrance, the assumption that everyone can somehow get to a desktop to fill out these applications that go on…
When I was 18, I had one of those “not full time, but almost full time so we don’t have to give you benefits or healthcare” manual labor jobs that was 8 miles away from the place I was staying. I had to walk back and forth from in the blistering Florida heat and that shit was no joke. That job only lasted two months…
And when you mentioned this to them, they come back with some shity, false equivalency logic about how their “great-great grandfather was able to walk 15 miles to and from work in the 1800's. So why can’t somebody on welfare walk 5 miles to the local to volunteer? They’re not doing anything for the day, like working.…
And what’s so upsetting is when you try to explain that to republicans, it’s so fucking clear they didn’t think hard enough about how absurd it is to think that the reason why people are getting welfare is because they don’t “want to work.”
Nope it very much is racist. You’re not wrong that just as many whites receive help from the government, but that hasn’t stopped people from making the assumption that it’s welfare queens and lazy blacks who just want free money.
If a poor person has no income how are you supposed to afford transportation to volunteer orgs, or training centers? Especially in places like NYC where bus fare is almost $3. At least in large cities there is public transportation.
750,000. That’s how many are likely to lose food assistance later this year under a new proposal by the White House administration. The proposal is meant to encourage Able Bodied Adults Without Disabilities (ABAWDs) to go to work, but it’s based on the wrong assumption that these people are lazy and haven’t already…