Right. And they said they weren’t going to cover any of those expenses. And she said she couldn’t afford that and she shouldn’t have to, which is correct. She has a right to be upset by that. Particularly, when she was a lock for the best supporting actress trophy.
Lee Daniels is full of fuckery, but Monique’s problems started before Precious. Her husband-manager had already stepped on a few toes and had a reputation for being a handful.
Oprah didn’t have a lot of rappers on because of misogyny in the lyrics. A woman who was abused at one point in her life and who has stood women’s rights as humans rights, why would anyone expect her to have a people rapping about bitches and hoes.
Yes, to what you said. I was referencing, where all this struggle with her in the industry sort of began and that was Lee Daniels throwing a fit because she asked to be paid for promotion of Precious since she had taken a pay cut for the actual role. He refused and admonished her for even asking. So she didn’t promote…
Oprah’s been hating on rappers for years talking about not letting them on her show to make sure she doesn’t promote them meanwhile she’ll let racists and quack doctors on her show.
She’ll be invited to the next SOTU...or at least to dine with trump.
This whole thing is soo.....
BUTT-Butt-butt that’s not quite accurate, as detailed from here:
This woman: Respect the troops! Blue lives matter! It’s ok to have a militaristic police state because they only go after bad guys and I’m not a bad guy!
Drunk. White. Florida. Racist.
This place is in the middle of a swamp and could easily be allowed to sink back into its original state.
I also wish this cop had been like “Umm hmm. Why don’t you send them on over and save us some time?”
Virginia was getting ahead
Can’t wait to hear her “That isn’t who I am... again.” speech.
Someone in the comments on the Buzzfeed article for this story said that this woman looks like a catfish and I can’t unsee it.
FLORIDA! You never let me down. Keep up the good work at the bottom.
You can always depend on some white person whose tongue has been loosened by alcohol to let you know that your uniform doesn’t protect you.
She should be appreciative he didn’t shoot her for fear of his and his family’s safety.