
The national party really showed how irrelevant it is. The grassroots organizers delivered these results. The party will just have to sprint to catch up with us actual humans in the next year or two.

I mean, the first sentence is:

Depends on their age. If they weren’t at least 18, nothing consensual about it.

At some point far in the future. This is one election, and an off-year one at that. Their tactics very much still work for them, and we should still be concerned. Hell, the Virginia state legislature is only just maybe going to flip after a huge Democratic surge, which shows what gerrymandering can do.

I sincerely hope the DNC’s next step is to figure who were the campaign masterminds on all these races and hire them.

All these awesome things happened despite Donna Brazile’s fervent effort to make the Democratic Party look incompetent and nefarious.

If a Pirates of the Caribbean movie is released but it doesn’t have a marketing campaign does Johnny Depp still get to wear the ridiculous hat?

Solidarity and collective action can accomplish great things.

Yeah, Pirates of the Caribbean 8: The Lost Man’s Gold.

It would be foolish to think that the AV Club alone made this happen, but they were one of many outlets that stood in solidarity with the LA Times.

The Critics of America can now go back to their work-a-day world of telling me that things I like suck.

A victory for Northam in Virginia tonight would make a lovely trifecta, don’t you think?

Not because of the AV Club solely, but because they along with the Washington Post as well as film critic circles and other news outlets and journalists all together sent a boycotting message.

Individually we are weak, like a single twig. But as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot.

This is wonderful news. .

AVClub Mistress won’t be ignored!

Sooooo, where’s all the commenters who said that this was a useless gesture? That DIsney would never submit? That the AV Club was doing something futile? All the naysayers and cynics who said that you might as well do nothing since that’s what “solidarity” gestures do? Weird how when disparate groups unionize they’re

Not you though, AVClub Jr.

Well, pat yourselves on the back, Mr. and Mrs. AVClub.

The world never fails to display all the disgusting ways that society dehumanizes women.

***Cut to Jughead masturbating to a dumpster fire***