
April showers bring May flowers...

You think you are fancy.  I have the largest beagle on my street.

My house is the tallest structure at my address.

It’s one of the tallest buildings in the area and is credited as the tallest building in any Chinatown around the world outside of China.

All the Catholics are secretly atheists and only go to church for business contacts. 

“Hey we got a bug report, some Orthodox Jews are spawning on Saturdays.”

“That’s great - a nod of respect to our faith! What did you say it was called again?”

I’m not sure what else you’d call it but “Easter egg” seems a bit flippant in this case. :/

I’m wrestling internally with something being identified as an ‘Easter’ egg when so closely tied to Jewish orthodox faith. Granted, The Last Supper was a Passover dinner, so it’s not like there is *no* relationship between the faiths. Perhaps, however, this particular embedded surprise should have been known as a

I was hoping she would crossover as the character to one of the ArrowVerse shows, as Constantine did after his NBC series ended. But if she is ready to hand the character off, then I hope Lili Simmons takes the character to one of them (Batwoman? Supergirl?)

Ok. That’s cool.

i know right? i hate when actors are pretending to be something they are not

I’m impressed that this was a thoughtful letter and not just an Instagram shot of the actresses posing together with a line like “Passin’ the torch to my new bestie!”

It makes sense. She looks really young for the actress’ actual age let alone for an aged up version of her character. 

The United States of America, the country you and I live in, has never had a king. The British colonies had a king. Also, point of order the colonies didn’t “get rid” of the king. It’s not like he was hanging out in Pittsburgh.

We had king. We got rid of him.

Then we became a new country.

Do try to keep up dear. 

That doesn’t really make sense but okay.

Yuma is in the fucking desert. It ain’t easy to cross anything down there. 

You said you were too old to know who those people are and I guessed 70 or 80. Unless what you really meant was that you don’t pay attention to popular culture or movies or TV and age has nothing to do with it.

so like..70/80?