
I always though Patrick is a bit/lot selfabsorbed.

Not really. If they have to have it implode it should come from Kevin so Patrick gets what he deserves.

- It may be boring but so is life.

My appologies. I'm used to the worst, there are all sorts of crazy fanboys around.


The show costs money though, they're not gonna keep it around just for fun if it's a loosing business. That only works if a show is, despite low ratings, a talking point that keeps social media etc. buzzing and serves as PR for the channel or if it's get showered in Awards (or both). Looking doesn't do either for HBO.

Again, Richie is simply a decent human being. There is nothing extraordinary about him. I don't see anything in him that I don't see in plenty of other people. Peopel I actually like to be around with. If he is such a magical unicorn in contrast to the others than he is just reflecting their awfullness and is therefor

In relations to what you said about Kevin beign exactly what patrick wants and how important thta is for a logn term relartionship and so on.

MD how does the whole lying, manipulating and cheating aspect of Kevin fit into all that?

I think people dislike Kevin cause he is a cheat and strung Patrick along. That's not much of an enigma.

He's been on it for two seasons, if you still don't know who he is, then either you're not watching properly or the writers don't do their job proper.

I think if anything Jon broke up with Kevin.

I liked Brady. I think he is exactly what Richie needs after the depressing mess that is Patrick.

Well if you're not on Facebook, you don't know where I'm coming from so yeah it would be hard for you to get.

No, your definition is Facebook statuses. You've just proven that. Real proper friends, are just friends, they don't need silly limericks to define themselves. That's for the juvenile and immature.

Not what was said at all.How many of those relationships and failed marriage were already a train-wreck straight from the start? Messing everything up from the word go is not the same as having a relationship fizzle out somewhere down the line. Big difference.

That might be so but I don't get why you think the issues the characters have go back to them being gay and not okay with that. I don't see this at all. Plenty of straight people have the exact same issues. Are they insecure about their heterosexuality then?

I hear ya.

You know all that stuff people write on Facebook, that seems so deep but is really just pretentious and/or nonsensical when applied to real life . Like "if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my ebst" etc. and so on.

- If you are friend with somebody, you should be a friend at his highest and at his lowest