
Does your employer provide health care? Then you're entitled to legal medications to maintain your health. End of motherfucking story.

False equivalence, try again.

and this is why you always vote, even if you're not ecstatic about the candidates.

The spam is amazing.

The spam is amazing.

Not sure what they were expecting, the game has been out for so long and most people have played it a lot already even if on other platforms. I don't think was smart move by them to take up the space with a game that almost everyone has already played a lot even if not on the PS3. Should of used that space for

"Hmm...yes. These sure do look like computer parts alright. Boy howdy I'm a shutterstock model, and these sure are computer things. Yep. Yeeeep yep yep."

.........I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

I'm traveling abroad on my own this summer. I've decided to take a bikini. It's the first two piece I've had in 10 years. I'm so over covering my body because it doesn't look "right". So, fuck it. That's all.

I don't get why people can't understand how this is about as much of a punishment as Sterling could receive. He's rich, and would have tons of money either way. But being a part of one of the most exclusive clubs in the world, one that even the richest man couldn't simply buy his way in on without a lot of luck and

I was just telling my sister, while I was creating an email account for a 9 year-old, "This shit's just so damn complicated. I miss the days when someone's Player 1 and the other guy is Player 2."

Using the word sentiment does not make "rooting for a rival in your division" = "to rooting for a rival from your own country". It doesn't mean "something like that", it's an attitude or opinion towards something - the something is what you conflated with conference/division rival rather than the last representative


And Seattle would just be sitting back, petting it's new Trophy, and laugh like a Bond Villain.

"You play the saxaphone poorly!"
- traditional Russian insult

Jesse Owens was such a monster. Shame on him for the way he shoved his views down Hitler's throat.

That's why we only eat off the floor on special occasions. We are not barbarians.

Surprised the call wasn't intercepted by another restaurant out of town.

That's weird, I called a local spot in in Houston and told them I was Matt Schaub then we must've lost our connection or something.