
Mmmmmm delicious tears...

I KNOW! I want it to mean TODAY!!!

Now playing

The only thing that bothers me with this video, is that he didn’t make it about the REAL badass grappling hook game series.

I’m pretty sure content makers still get money from Red subscription viewers. That would make no sense otherwise.

If he generate enough income to make a living out of it, then it IS an actual job. :)

I can’t think of any golden turd that’s one of the most iconic piece of technology, playing the most critical role in the biggest war in humanity’s history, the hacking of which laid the foundation for modern computing.

Ah! that make sense then, thanks for the precision!

Oh maybe *I* don’t fully comprehend what the Chromecast does. Isn’t it a streamer (like, say, the Roku)?

I hope you’re right! Regardless, I will keep my Vita for a LONG time because what is already on it is pretty great for my gaming needs :)

I hope you’re right! Regardless, I will keep my Vita for a LONG time because what is already on it is pretty great

I’m mostly an indie gamer, and sadly not much interesting have happened in the last year or so... JRPGs are still coming in tho.

I’m mostly an indie gamer, and sadly not much interesting have happened in the last year or so... JRPGs are still

Sadly, no Logitech Harmony, no bueno :(

Ah you’re totally right! I’m not much into JRPG so that’s why they tend to by in my blind spot, but if someone is into JRPG, they have a TON of games to play on Vita (and maybe even more on the way).

Ah you’re totally right! I’m not much into JRPG so that’s why they tend to by in my blind spot, but if someone is