
I like the irony of the wimpy little whiner telling someone else to grow a pair. XD

It's very odd how many people needs to be reminded of this very basic concept all the time.

If a marketing strategy is about having misogynistic assholes getting their faces rubbed in their own vomit, then it's a marketing strategy I gladly stand behind. :)

I've had the chance to enter the game industry (as a programmer) as the 8 bit era nearly ended, and was able to code two commercial games for the Gameboy Color in 8 bit assembly (just around the time the Gameboy Advance was released and the GBC was slowly fading away). Programming was a whole different sort of

"1996 was early internet? Man, I feel old."

As a guy I already know all the combinations of embarrassing/awkward romantic gestures toward women. What I'm most curious about and would love to read is the other way around. Women doing awkward/embarrassing romantic gestures toward men!

"or if he's mad at himself for not being a better person when he fails, when he fails God and his mom and me."

I'm fairly new to this country, and new to ESPN First Take. So I'm wondering why one would say...

Because this thread reminded me of your existence and I thought... hum maybe one last slap in the face, for Christmas spirit sake? Feels nice!

I've been gaming since the ColecoVision. Thanks to you band of morons I now will always refuse to be associated with "Gamers". I'm from now on someone that "really enjoy video games, but don't call me a gamer".

I may have been a bit too old and I kind of missed the whole Pokemon phenomenon. But when I was a kid, this is what the Christians threw fits over. Good times.

For some reasons KotOR slipped through the cracks when it was originally released, and I always wanted to play it. I'm planning on playing it on my iPad over the Holidays, can't wait!

I have an iPhone, an iPad and my laptop is a MacBook Pro. I am perfectly happy with these and I can't think of a reason why I would want to switch to non-Apple products.

Well looks like I'll stay PC exclusive for a lot longer, and I'll spend my few hundred bucks on a new GTX 970 video card :).

Well technically Warhammer IS a fantasy setting. You are probably referring to Warhammer 40K. /nerdnazi

... as opposed to committing the fallacy of conflating opinion pieces (reviews) about something of such little societal importance (entertainment/video games) with actual journalism?

I haven't watched this episode yet.

I never owned a dog. I don't know them very well. But one day I saw a friend's dog sniff his poop. Eat his poop. Puke his poop out. Sniff his poop-puke. Eat his poop-puke.