
Nah, watching a few World/Euro games every two years is plenty enough for me. American Football is where it's at (and I'm not even American). ;-)

I hate JRPG, I just can't stand them, but a few months ago I got a Vita because it reached that point where I had a solid 12 games I was really interested in. I'm more into indie games, with a few random games on the side (Wipeout, Gravity Rush, Hot Shot Golf).

I got my Vita a few months ago, and like you this was my top concern about it. Being used to retina density, it's a bit odd to be able to "see" pixels now. But I figured the OLED beautiful colors would compensate.

It's no one responsibility to spend money on a game console just in the oft chance that they may publish more game. It's the console company that has the job to make their device attractive, especially in a highly competitive market. And sadly Sony failed on that. They only have themselves to blame, not the consumers.

There's quite a few indie games I already owned on Steam, but for some reason couldn't get into them on PC. I decided to purchase some of them again on Vita and what a great decision. Most of them plays a lot better on the go on the Vita.

For some reason, I couldn't get into Terraria on PC, hated the controls. Then I got it on my Vita, and I was completely sucked in. Probably the game I played most on my Vita.

For some reason, I couldn't get into Terraria on PC, hated the controls. Then I got it on my Vita, and I was

"Epic" is the only word to describe this.

I value exploration more than anything in games, and I agree with you they are painfully rare.

Depends what kind of player you are. As someone who likes exploration more than any other gaming aspects, if they provide a stellar exploration experience, I'll be happy to play this for a very, very long time. Most of my best memories in games are the goals I set myself, not the ones set by the games.

Sure if you take the entire country (or world) and look at it with this filtered view, then bad stuff happen on a regular basis.

Oh I'm not. Minecraft is to video games what LEGO is to toys.

I bought it on PC a while back, then on iOS, and I can't wait to get it for Vita later this year. I don't see this game going away anytime soon.

You can't compare *now* numbers without taking into account the rate of console sale. The Wii U barely sell at all, which mean it will stick around to 6.3M for a long time, while the PS4 and Xbox One sales rate are WAY higher, and simple extrapolation shows that they will pass Wii U in little time.

Not that simple. A video game has a very short window of profitability, right after it's release. If they do a "soft" launch, they might end up with little income from it, and quickly it becomes "old news" and fizzle away.

I was hardcore K+M until recently when I built a "Steam Machine" that's permanently on my TV and boot directly to Steam full screen. So it's basically an expensive but crazy powerful game console.

"Why you need an app for a physical player is also beyond me and kind of stupid."

Yeah but then one has to play green Mario, and that sucks :)

There's also another reason to scale down to 30fps when the game is meant to run on mobile devices: battery consumption. Also some devices can heat to an uncomfortable level when running at full 60 fps.