
I could see how you'd feel that way after the wedding episode, although Niagara falls is supposed to seem a little kitschy and outdated, so I thought that was supposed to take all the fanciness out of their "destination wedding." I agree that Pam's mom's character changed, and definitely not for the better. I guess I

Did the show ever insinuate that Jim and Pam's parents were wealthy? I always thought of them as upper middle class, at best. I mean, look at Jim's parents' house when he buys it for Pam. Sure, it's okay, but it still has shag carpet, wood paneling, and an un-removable clown painting. None of that screams "wealth" to

I currently work at a demeaning job where my boss sits right next to me. Just like Michael, he thinks he's funny when really he just annoys the bejeezus out of me. He throws things a lot, and on more than one occasion I've made that exact Pam statement. The Office (particularly early seasons) totally nailed the

I love Bruce Campbell and therefore enjoyed "Terms of Endearment" about ten times more than I would have, otherwise.

I love Bruce Campbell and therefore enjoyed "Terms of Endearment" about ten times more than I would have, otherwise.

I thoroughly enjoyed the "Dreamland" two-parter, but I am not a fan the of the Hopi woman/fighter pilot switch. I'll admit the concept had plenty of potential, but I though the woman's eyes looked incredibly fake and the actor's portrayal of him in her body was strained and transparent. I felt the same frustration as

I thoroughly enjoyed the "Dreamland" two-parter, but I am not a fan the of the Hopi woman/fighter pilot switch. I'll admit the concept had plenty of potential, but I though the woman's eyes looked incredibly fake and the actor's portrayal of him in her body was strained and transparent. I felt the same frustration as

"Mind's Eye"
I just could not care much about this episode. The idea was somewhat interesting, and I thought Lili Taylor was good (though gimmicky), but I didn't really understand Mulder's fascination with/respect for her. I get it, she's a handicapped person who's trying her damnedest to be taken seriously. But—and I

Signy Coleman's character reminded me of Amy Ryan the whole episode! Expanding on your idea, Todd, I like to think that Susanne "Holly" Modeski became "Holly Flax," the recurring character on The Office who ends up married to Michael Scott. What an amazing alias that would be. And it would explain why the latter Holly

My immediate thought was that the MotW repeating his name and rank as he died was supposed to be a spoken substitute for a dog tag. Like he was doing it because he would've done it in Nam so that someone would know/remember who he was had he been KIA? I don't know. Maybe that's stupid. Just my first reaction.