I am glad at the very least that I am not the only one who saw him that way.
I am glad at the very least that I am not the only one who saw him that way.
Hs anyone else marveled at how much Biggs looks like Charlie Sheen from platoon?
Honestly I would have laughed if they had both fought their way to the bottom each trying to sacrifice themselves and the other saving them, and once they both hit the ground they look up the cliff like oh crap neither of us died, and then we got some comic book love conquers all thing and they got the soul stone…
Preventative maintenance is one of the hardest things to get into people's heads because even after a massive failure due to missing a scheduled maintenance event people still can't grasp how important it is to take steps to mitigate issues before a catastrophe, there is no better metaphor than our current situation.
Gloves and masks are only useful if you wear them properly and remove them properly and I’m willing to bet that a conservative 80-90% of people don’t know how to do even that basic thing.
My comment was entirely about the console versions, I’m sure it runs fine on high end desktops but I chose to play it on a console because I’m a masochist.
I really enjoyed the game, but yeah it is a buggy mess on ps4, just out of curiosity are you running a ps4 original or a ps4 pro? Me and my friends have originals. One has a newer model regular flavor ps4 and we have all experienced issues nearly at the same points in the story.
Seriously has anyone tried playing the game on PS4?
Honestly we can’t trust GMG sites anymore, especially with the bullshit clickbaity and spoilery headlines they use.
No it’s the children that are old...
The pain of allergies is real... I carry a handkerchief around because I can’t find tissue paper anywhere... and also because when I sneeze its not like a fountain of mucous. Good luck fellow allergy sufferer.
I kind of assume Tommy and Timmy are children/childish and therefore speak with a childish cadence and mannerisms, if you would get jouzu’ed with less than a first grade education wouldn’t that kinda fit with their childishness?
Actually exec #2 line should be something about making several derivative movies that progressively get worse, replacing the palicos with dogs because they don’t like cats and everyone loves dogs, and why can’t we’re just ditch the idea of alternate universe and just set the entire thing in new York or London.
If you want that buy Wolcen, They are so committed to the whole clone Diablo 3 thing they have even gone so far as to clone the launch server issues.
Wolcen, if they ever sort their servers out.
Litterally as soon as Aerith was shown I heard her music like 15 seconds before they started. I had goosebumps before I even had music to give them to me.
It’s entirely above the plates. Aside from seeing one being built for a split second in the zoom in sequence you get no indication of there even being plates. The interesting thing to me is the playground being above ground rather than under the plate. Does this mean they built the plates over the city? There was an…
Well xenosaga was supposed to be a 6 part epic, that ultimately got cut down to 3 because reasons. Which should give some idea of why it was so janky about changing things up.
I thought the playground was under the plate though, so what happened where did the plate go /come from
He sees the guy on the other team, it has nothing to do with his own username.