
Seriously. Find me a plumber or carpenter that can telecommute...

two words...

In this case person X murdered a bunch of people in a church and then died...

TR6 as in Triumph?

Autism is a spectrum, and there are far more autistic people than you would think...

Iron man building an orphanage, weak... Incredible hulk smashing said orphanage, amazing!

Jesus is coming any day now and he’s going to rapture JUST us ‘mericans and our guns.

He deserves a far worse death than that...

Wait what? I live in Vegas and this is news to me... sure we subsidize our grid with solar farms but we absolutely still rely on burning fuel...

It’s weird I see more and more people with no plates at all and it kinda scares me.

I think the statement he made about how with all the little things nagging at him when something he considered arguably bigger than the door trim not being flush happened it made him question everything else. His trust in tesla therefore was dying the death of a thousand cuts so to speak.

Wow that is BOXY in all the right ways XD

I think the idea is that if Tesla can’t be bothered to buy or make a touchscreen that will last more than 6-8 months, what kind of confidence does that inspire in all those technological advantages you are talking about.

I would say the themes are more horrific than the actual game play, I have yet to run into a single jump scare but there has been plenty of horrific ultra-violence and by my estimate I am probably 1/3- 1/2 done so I would assume no real jump scares to be had but damn is it a good game so far.

holy shit... this is amazing...

What is this it looks amazing, i love joke subs.

You forgot the most important reason you don’t shoot federal officers. Even if they were in the wrong you still go to jail... if you are lucky.

I hope A mad cow takes him and drags him through a field to a slow and painful death...

Bonus points for SCROTUS I’m stealing that. :)

I imagine that will be the epitaph on his gravestone after he is assassinated or hung for treason.