
Well, yes. But also, “Karen” has lost all meaning these days.

People like to joke about that, but to be honest it does pretty well in the 18-34 bracket, which is also its fastest growing one. People of lots of ages love their sex, violence, and drama.

Hence my point.

True, but we don’t know what he called it. Flirting is her phrasing based on what her mom told her. He might have said “You know, she is doing or saying things that could get me in trouble, so I am not going to hire your kid.”

Sure, and you can say that about just any uber rich successful CEO. Have you ever met Mark Benioff? WAY over-believes his own press. Totally insufferable. So is Ellison. So is Zuckerberg. Not sure on the taking credit for others ideas thing on Musk.

But Bron is truely portrayed as a complete and utter idiot who cannot

I mean, I know Elon is a jerk and people would like to compare this character to him. But there is NOTHING really comparable about Musk and Bron aside from them both being rich CEO’s. A few years ago the comparison would be to Ellison (who actually DOES own an island) or Bezos (the guy everyone loved to hate before

Yes. I thought this film would be right up my alley. But aside from watching more and more bad things happen, there was not much substance or character development. Some scenes have zero payoff. Just felt like it decided that “I hate the people who typically go to very expensive restaurants” is enough for a film.

Yeah, I had ZERO interest when I saw the trailer, and I was not a fan of the first film. But enough people were going on about it so I saw it and I had a blast. Just a perfect action movie. And a lot better than the original.

Yeah, I get that. And to be honest, much of his schtick is the nice guy in a committed relationship with his wife and his pug. So it does shatter that. I just think it will not impact him that much in the long run.

Yep, the first 2 Shrek films are pretty great (I also prefer the 2nd one). But I was also a fan of the first Puss In Boots film. It felt diffrent than the rest of the Shrek franchise and was sort of dark in places. I wrote off this new one based on the first trailer, but the style and new trailers are growing on me.

Honestly public perception has not changed that much. Some boards have had their say after he left his wife. But to be honest he is still touring and doing his thing and most people that I know who used to be big fans still are.

Looking forward to JW4. Actually sort of looking forward to Aquaman 2, just because I like Momoa and the last one was just the right mix of DC coming out of Snyderverse grey and downright ridiculousness. Still can’t decide on Indiana, but I will probably be there.

Not sure where you are coming from here. The show was “OK” for me. But while he Wednesday of this show might be good at many things, she is absolutely NOT a “goth Sherlock Holmes”. One thing she totally sucks at is detective work. She is wrong far more that she is right. And she apparently routinely falls for other

To be fair, I have not eaten INSIDE a McDonalds in years. I go through the drive through exclusively, and most people I know do as well. So this concept does not surprise me.

and buying them supports water waste, exploitation of migrant farm workers, and Mexican cartels

What? Hard to parse the wording there. At any rate, it is perfectly possible for this to be a lot of fun, and not as good as the Fabelmans (whatever that means since there are in no way the same genre of film).

...dated “white savior” trope. The Na’vi were doomed before white guy Jake (okay in a fake blue body) showed up to show them how *really* to be a Na’vi warrior. And naturally he’s just better at everything — taming dragons, etc. than the tribal people who have been doing it all their lives...

I think melting is referring to a lot more than the retirement announcement in the case of Terrence Howard.

“My dear doctor, it’s ALL true.”

This whole thing sounds like a version of “You can’t fire me! I quit!”