Next step: a Tesla that takes the law into its own hands.
Next step: a Tesla that takes the law into its own hands.
Trump will let Guilani go off on that one.
Guyger confirmed she had intended to kill Jean
Yeah, I heard the whole ‘intent to kill at the moment of pulling the trigger = murder’ instruction, I think it was a poor interpretation that an appeals judge will reconsider. Because it basically destroys firearm based self defense.
Yeah, I’m still expecting a reduction to manslaughter on appeal.
Psst: Because Centrist/Not Bernie.
Im just saying it doesn’t seem quick by modern standards. It isn’t slow either. Just sort of standard. But I suppose it all boils down to perception.
Please stop talking to this piece of shit. Jonathan Davis is a birther and a Sandy Hook conspiracy believer. He’s down with Infowars and shit. I don’t give a fuck that he likes games. He’s a fucktard. Zack, you suck.
It depends on your perspective. It has become common place but it comes down to your perspective.
“No matter which turbo your Escort RS Cosworth had, Ford claimed it could sprint to 60 mph from a standstill in roughly 5.7 seconds, which is very quick, even by today’s standards.”
I can’t wait until we have a president again. All we have right now is a tinpot Putin groupie whose brain is full of harebrained conspiracy theories and racist tropes. Maybe that’s what we deserve.
Yeah, but she didn’t INSPIRE ME!!!!!
Wasn’t Carter actually pretty moderate/centrist? I believe his reputation as a big leftie is mostly the product of Republican propaganda.
This analysis is not only bad, but it’s the same lazy analysis that we read time and time again. So are you postulating that an AOC candidate would have more success in these districts? The reality is that many places are conservative. Even more are socially conservative. In the South, many Democrats and especially…
I think because being split on what the impeachment is for makes it look for a fishing expedition, hurting legitimacy (which seems important to Pelosi, who probably thinks giving the party a gloss of adulthood confers a moral superiority that helps with swing voters).
For the jalop crowd that just oogles weird cars and has radwood fever maybe. But for those jalops that actually drive cars, this is a turd. It’s the economy version and if you’ve ever driven in one no degree of nostalgia will make you forget. It was slow back then and I assume still very, very slow.
“ recently as, say, 15 or 20 years ago, the typical person didn’t read the New York Times regularly...”
Counterpoint: if I were a country on the US’s naughty list I’d make obtaining nuclear weapons my first priority. You don’t see the US screwing with North Korea all that much.
anti-elitism is a defining aspect of populism and fascism. Beside the obvious association with elitism and diversity (aka Jews and blacks), it encourages people to think for themselves, which is the inherit opposite of populism and the fascism death-cult of obedient hate.
I’ve seen so many tuning shops around my area start to offer financing on parts and labor. That said, if you can’t afford to pay for your mods in cash, you probably shouldn’t be doing them. Especially on a financed car. What happens when you’re 7k in parts debt and 25k in car debt and your engine decides to explode?…