
“I feel like I am not doing a great job of capturing, in words, the dread that this produces in me. Across the room, one of my dogs is licking its asshole with intense fervor; it is making sounds like the stirring of a pot of macaroni and cheese.”

I guess you’re the kind of guy that would have had shellshocked soldiers shot for cowardice in WWI. Shock causes people to react oddly. This is a guy who probably never had a bloody lip in his life who was just bloodied by police and dragged off a flight in front of his wife and 200 strangers. He probably never ever

did you watch the video? The man’s fellow passengers were yelling in outrage at his treatment, because it was pretty clear it could be any of them. I understand wrestling off a drunk and abusive SOB for everyone’s safety and quiet travel. This was a corporation dismissing customer service for their own, easily

Unless they get the say-so from the pilot, no flight attendant is going to want you to wander around while the seatbelt sign is on. The law says the pilot can’t move that plane during takeoff, landing, or on the surface, if everyone isn’t in their seats. So by letting you get up and walk around, they’re committing

Yes, you are the special kind of stupid. Thanks for clarifying.

Not all managers are assholes. Most of them do the right thing each day. It just so happens some companies seem to attract them in spades (United, Comcast, etc)

I’m thinking their use of the word “volunteer” made him think he had a choice.

There’s no way you actually believe those rent a cops and the airline acted even ok. Stop trolling. Unless you side with Stern and Goodell is sports labor disputes too. Would be more understandable then.

He paid for the fucking seat. Why the fuck should he get off? Because United is so bad at logistics that they couldnt figure out how to move 4 of their own employees from Point A to Point B? All he did wrongwas refuse to be bullied into forfeiting the service he paid for.

I’d say that people might boycott United, but for some reason people are insane about saving as much money as possible on airfare that it won’t really matter. I don’t fly American Airlines as a rule, because I felt like I was being punished for something every time I had in the past, but most people look at two

$44 grand for a used pickup truck? Things really are going all to hell.

The problem with targeting air defense systems is that there are a lot of Russian ones in Syria, which would be a whole different can of worms.

So now RT is a legitimate news source?

Eh, I’d rather not invite a cross-section of that fucking insanity to this thread.

That’s it, in a nutshell. John Boehner has to be the most content man on the fucking planet right now... being forced out right before the shit hits the fan. He was a shitbird, and champion of the upper class, but at least he was playing the long game and taking into consideration the public response to forcing

This is like getting penalized by the IRS because you didn’t actually write 0's on the boxes where you don’t have anything to report, and then being penalized again for signing your name because the tax return you thought you filed correctly wasn’t filed correctly.

My understanding is that the claim is not that they are just listening to different musicians,but that they don’t seem to care about music much at all.

Sadly (maybe), I’m of the generation that does imagine shaggy (not always white) guys with guitars when I think of music. In the cultural sphere of my youth, that was the most prominent image.

I don’t get it? What’s the lesson that’s supposedly being missed?

Well it’s a pretty shit administration, robin!