
You may be right on that. I take a different view because I think the Freedom Caucus people are able to be incredibly idiotic without fear because they come from the safest districts possible. Arguably, the ONLY way for them to lose their seat is by being primaried from someone that’s even farther to the right than

The Trump surge is too strong, I think. Any moderate bi-partisanship right now is liable to get the moderates in both parties burned in the mid-term primaries.

I think we may need at least several more months of exposing the Freedom Caucus for the POS’s they are before we might be able to flush them out in the

My two cents on that is that their was absolutely no bill they could have drafted that would have passed.

Yeah. Burneko’s style is one of the most aesthetically pleasing for me to read- it’s very conversational the way Drew is, but in a totally different way.

Not to take anything away from the spectacular suckfest that Trump and Ryan put on, but what the fuck have Republican think tank thinker ls been doing for the past decade? The ACA took months to pound together after starting with a bill that had been written over years by industry/think tanks/pols. The ACHA was

it’s sort of telling what kind of “negotiating” Trump has been doing in recent years.

As someone wrote on a different comment section, the GOP is a dog that chased the car and got run over by it when they caught it.

“Their entire philosophy is to now hold the country hostage until they can wrest total control.”

Hilariously enough, they have total control now and no fucking idea what to do with it.

That’s not how a “referendum” works.

Mitch McConnell, 2016: “It is a president’s constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice, and it is the Senate’s constitutional right to act as a check on a president and withhold its consent.”

This was every bit as predictable as Old Faithful. When Republicans announced that they wouldn’t hold hearings for any Obama SC nominee, I immediately thought “Watch how much they scream and bitch if Trump wins and the Democrats block any of his nominees.”

Isn’t the difference that Garland was never even allowed to come to a vote, and that extreme measures are pretty well justified now because this is a Supreme Court seat that was stolen from Obama?

For nearly a year, Republicans screamed that they would hold off on confirming Garland until after the election (an unprecedented move) because the presidential election was a “referendum” on the Supreme Court nominee:

Conservative values are based on emotion and flawed world views. For the most part, far-right conservatives cannot be appealed to with logic or reason. As you say, we can only quarantine them, outnumber them and appeal to moderates who don’t want the Russian mob to appoint Justices.

Right? I know the WSJ is conservative but this is full on Fox News/Brietbart territory.

If its not meant to be ironic, then it is amazing unintentional satire (if thats a thing). 

This is part of a larger fallacy that reactionary conservatives can be fisked or fact-checked into submission or into showing the slightest bit of contrition, shame, or willingness to improve their reasoning. They can only be quarantined and hopefully outnumbered in swing states.

Kids did better on the swings

An isolated terrorist nuke. North Korean attack, in which one or two nukes get through. I think both of these scenarios are more likely than a large scale nuclear exchange, and in both scenarios most of the US is unaffected and you can expect rescue efforts to commence very quickly. You don’t need to involve

I don’t know the best place to hide, but a chain link fence is total crap. Doesn’t help at all. Just find some place else. Seriously.