
I want to insert my usual caution about diagnosing people based on a five-minute reading of the DSM-V...


Mainstream press has, almost without exception, mishandled everything about Donald Trump every step along the way. I pretty much don’t expect anything different now.
I look forward to eventually dying in a nuclear fire because he mistyped some tweet meant to be about McDonald’s lack of quality Happy Meal toys anymore.

Americans tend to think that when someone doesn’t agree with them that they should lose their freedom of speech (yes I realize that this is a private forum, but you said “in public”). This problem is endemic in both sides, but seems to show up in more extreme forms in SJW liberalism. (Say what you want about

With the way the country is going red, I’m pretty sure Oregon wouldn’t mind a border wall with the rest of the US...

Him in the 1960's: “Yeah, I mean it made sense when they were mad 50 years ago, but now that we’re letting them play baseball and everything? They’re just falling for race hustlers like Martin Luther King.”

Breakdown of the family unit really actually is a problem. No father in the picture means that mom struggles and the kids suffer. 5 kids from 4 dads is not in any way going to help the situation. I don’t have the answer, but I can point to one symptom of the problem that is easily fixed.

I was more surprised when she said that Hillary wanted to run America under Sharia law. I might have fainted trying not to make a, “WTF?” face.

I’ve been trying to explain to people that for these conversations to have any effect, all parties need to remain calm and not overly aggressive. Nobody likes to be yelled at that they are wrong. Just disagree, and clearly share your perspective.

I have said for years that GWB will be remembered in a much fonder light the further out we get from his presidency. Now, if you had told me it would be because Donald Trump would get elected president, I’d have said no fucking way.

“it’s the college-educated guys (and yes, mostly guys)“

Well OBAMA did. So clearly she does too!!11


The complete lack of self-awareness among Trump supporters has been nothing short of astonishing. It’s not just my dumbass sister in law who likes to shout about America Being Great Again, yet has no idea of American history beyond maybe Jackie Kennedy. Or my hick relatives who think that a woman being in charge is

I’ve always loved the conservative retort being “you don’t tolerate my intolerance ergo you’re not intolerant!” There’s no reason to, say, tolerate bigotry. Or racism. Or sexism. Those things should not be tolerated.

You could have just grouped them all under the heading “because I’m a gullible fucking moron”.

These are a lot of words to simply say “I am dumb”

The Clintons’ marriage is probably more the norm in America than Donald Trump’s marriages. She chose to stay married to her cheating husband. Donald Trump cheated on both of his wives and married a supermodel.

I think Hillary’s marriage is considered more reprehensible because it’s a more normal marriage.

“What goes on in peoples private lives is their own business, but now I will make a judgment about this persons private live.”

If my sister (or any woman that I respected) was in a marriage like that I would be beside myself. What goes on in peoples private lives is their own business, but how anyone could respect that “woman” is beyond me.