
The discourse has not been weird.

Wait, hold on...

You’ve played UT and Quake but you describe the fights here as “devolves a bunch of speedy space marines running around like shotgun toting chickens with their heads cut off”?

That _is_ Quake and UT. Doom (new Doom, not so much classic), Quake and UT are _arena_ shooters. This genre touts freedom of

It’s obvious that, just like Horizon: Zero Dawn, they went with a lip-sync engine (not the actual term, I don’t think) rather than doing something like Mo-Cap.

Which is fine. Mo-Cap is expensive as all hell. You’re more than likely going to use that for a game that has higher focus on story-telling and less on game

The entire page is misleading, as only a _very_ select few items have this deal. I thought one of the laptop’s in the “featured categories” was part of it.

Won’t accept the promo code. Looks like I’m saving my tax returns for a bit longer.

The entire page is misleading, as only a _very_ select few items have this deal. I thought one of the laptop’s in

As we’ve already had a few responses to Asinies with Blind Prophet, who touched on many of my points already, I would like to point this out:

There’s no real reason to constantly pause for bugs. Absolutely no benefit as you can’t reverse a call easily, and the only times you can pause are for major issues (highlighted

I’m not sure I understand the questioning of when to use this tool.

This tool should be used as often as possible _for bugs_. Especially with a genre like MOBA. A 30+ minute game that has a bug occur that is out of the player’s or officiator’s control is a big, big deal.

The necessity for the tool is a bug occurred.

I’d just like to point out that they stated they wanted to push this tool out as soon as possible, and thus more advanced features that _are planned_ obviously aren’t going to be in yet.

I, for one, greatly appreciate this. I’ve already gotten better at last hitting, I’ve finally learned a potential start for AP

Now, hear me out here. We all know the masterrace joke here, but in all seriousness, most PC gamers know what they’re doing.

For Sean to suggest that the second biggest issue is out-dated graphics drivers or none installed at all is absolutely ridiculous. Steam surveys suggest that 40% of all users are on Windows 10

It’s actually pretty simple: when working in a professional capacity and thus representing something _other_ than yourself, if you have to ask yourself “where is the line” about a topic, then that’s a topic you don’t talk about. Period. It’s controverisal, and thus not something to engage in when representing


So not only do I potentially have to worry about buying a game from a specific store, but I now have to worry about whether or not I pirate to get specific content?!